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Dreaming Of Hitting Someone – Meaning

Dreaming f hitting someone is a bad omen as per dreaming meaning and interpretation. You can expect some kind of trouble after such a dream especially related to relationship or career. Dreams of hitting someone also means anger getting out of control. The dream is a warning sign to be patient and keep yourself calm.

Dream of hitting someone in home means you will face problems in family. There will be financial damage. It also suggests defeat or demotion. This dream also means that your enemies will be successful in their actions.

Dreaming of hitting someone in public means accident in immediate future. It also means physical abuse or getting into trouble with antisocial elements.

Dreams hitting someone you know mean you will be clueless on how to face problems and they will get worse.

Here are some other common meanings of hitting someone dream:

  1. Repressed Anger or Frustration: If you dream of hitting someone, it might indicate that you have unresolved anger or frustration toward that person or a situation in your waking life. The dream allows you to express these feelings in a way you might not be able to in reality.

  2. Powerlessness or Stress: These dreams can also signify feelings of powerlessness or being overwhelmed. The act of hitting someone in a dream might be a subconscious attempt to regain control or assert yourself in a situation where you feel helpless.

  3. Conflict or Guilt: Hitting someone in a dream could represent inner conflict, guilt, or remorse. You might be struggling with feelings of guilt over how you've treated someone or over your own aggressive tendencies.

  4. Desire for Change: Sometimes, hitting someone in a dream can symbolize a desire to break free from a negative situation or relationship. It might reflect a need to assert boundaries or make significant changes in your life.

  5. Fear of Confrontation: If you’re afraid of confronting someone in real life, your subconscious mind might play out the scenario in your dreams, where you take a more aggressive stance.

  6. Emotional Release: Dreams like this can be a way for your subconscious to release pent-up emotions, especially if you’re not expressing them in your waking life.