Akshaya Tritiya is known as Akha Teej in North India . It falls on the third day after Amavasya in the month Hindi of Vishaka (April – May). Akha Teej 2025 date is April 30. Astrologically, the day is auspicious because the sun and moon are believed, astrologically, to be at their best position and shower brilliance on earth.
Thanks to the crass commercialization of the society, buying Gold is today the main event during Akha Teej. Another bad practice on the day is mass child marriages. Although government has banned the evil practice, it still takes place in small pockets in rural areas in India .
Akha Teej is also the birthday of Lord Parashuram, the 6th incarnation of Vishnu. Each moment on the day is considered auspicious. There are numerous myths associated with Akha Teej and each varies from region to region.
It is believed that any investment or relationship begun on the day will be long lasting. ‘Akshaya’ means eternal or that which never diminishes.
Lord Vishnu and MahaLakshmi puja are considered auspicious. Alms giving, donating food and clothes on the day is believed to bring eternal glory.
Sanatana Dharma teaches us to prosper by giving. But sadly on Akha Teej, nowadays, prominence is given to buying and hoarding.