Navya Shastra, the international Hindu reform organization that has spoken out against astrology, female feticide, and Dalit discrimination, has expressed concern over the growing protests directed at the upcoming film ‘The Love Guru’ by some Hindu groups throughout the world.
The organization calls upon these Hindu groups to recognize that hyper-sensitivity over inaccurate or even distorted religious depictions in print and in film erode the longstanding tradition of tolerance and criticism in the Hindu faith community. While Navya Shastra respects the right of these groups to protest, it strongly believes that calling for a ban of the film goes too far.
Hindus have a remarkable history of freedom of thought and expression. Unfortunately, this is being eroded these days by hypersensitive and misguided chauvinistic pressure groups, perhaps taking their cue from more chauvinistic traditions, said Gautham Rao, Navya Shastra Research Director.
The organization further notes that in the era of electronic media, monitoring and controlling religious depictions and imagery is a daunting, near impossible task. We cannot control every depiction of us, nor should we be so insecure as to even try. Instead, Hindus should set a spiritual example for others by combating social ills and discrimination said Jaishree Gopal, Navya Shastra Chairman.
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