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Selfishness Prompts Us To Paint Everything With Ourselves – Swami Vivekananda

When the dry branch of a coconut palm drops to the ground, it leaves only a mark on the trunk indicating that once there was a branch at that place. In the like manner, he who has attained God keeps only an appearance of ego; there remains in him only a semblance of anger and lust. He becomes like a child.

We color everything with our own selves. We have a brush—a thing comes and we do not like it and we brush a little then look at it. Selfishness prompts us to paint everything with ourselves.

The body comes and goes and is limited. . . The body is not the Real Man; neither is the mind, for the mind waxes and wanes. It is the spirit beyond, which alone can live forever. The body and mind are continually changing, and are, in fact, only names of series of changeful phenomena, like rivers whose waters are in a constant state of flux, yet presenting the appearance of unbroken streams. . . the self-contained Purusha (Self) within is your real nature.

The adjunct of mind is His first and subtle covering, then, there is this body which is His gross, outer covering. The indivisible, changeless, self-effulgent Purusha is lying hidden under these delusive veils, therefore your real nature is unknown to you.
Swami Vivekananda


Selfishness prompts us to paint everything with ourselves

This quote reflects the idea that selfishness causes individuals to interpret and judge everything around them based on their own perspectives, needs, and desires. Here are a few ways to elaborate on this concept:

Egocentric Perception: When people are selfish, they often see the world primarily through the lens of how events, situations, and actions affect them personally. This egocentric view limits their ability to empathize with others or understand differing viewpoints.

Narcissistic Tendencies: Selfishness can lead to narcissistic behaviors, where individuals place their own importance above others. They might manipulate situations to their advantage, often disregarding the consequences for others.

Lack of Empathy: Selfish individuals might struggle with empathy, as their primary focus is on their own experiences and feelings. This can create a barrier to forming genuine connections with others, as they may not fully appreciate or understand others' emotions and perspectives.

Distorted Reality: Selfishness can distort one's perception of reality. By viewing everything through a personal lens, individuals might misinterpret situations, overestimate their own importance, or fail to recognize the contributions and needs of others.

Impact on Relationships: Relationships can suffer when one party is consistently selfish. The lack of consideration for others' needs and feelings can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and a breakdown in communication and trust.

In essence, selfishness acts as a filter that colors every experience and interaction, often leading to a narrow, self-centered understanding of the world. This can hinder personal growth, relationships, and the ability to engage meaningfully with the broader community.