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Ishwara Gita Teachings

Know that the soul is of a pure and subtle nature, unaffected by external or internal object; it is invisible, but manifests itself as Purusha, Prakriti, Mahaeshwara and Time.

Through the supreme soul (Paramatman) this universe is produced and annihilated; for it is the cause of Maya which delusively displays an endless variety of apparently exiting forms.

But the supreme soul itself neither creates nor is created; it is neither earth nor sea; fire nor air; nor hearing, touch, sight, smell nor taste; it has neither feet, nor hands, nor other organs; it neither acts nor suffers, for it is neither Purusha nor Prakriti, nor Maya: for, as the mind is distinct from the thoughts which arise in it, so is the supreme soul distinct from the illusive appearances which it generates; and as the shadow in water is separate from its object, so is the soul of each created being from the illusion which it contemplates; because, when released from liability of transmigration, the liberated soul become identified with that sole immutable, incorporeal, ineffably happy and supreme spirit.

Ishwara Gita is found in the Kurma PuranaShiva teaches about the Supreme Soul to Santakumara and other Rishis.