Uthrattathi Nakshatra 2024 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Uthrattathi nakshatram phalam 2024, people in this nakshatra will be able to complete a near impossible task with ease. A desire of yours will be fulfilled this year. Good months are February, April, August and October 2024. January, May, November and December 2024 are bad months. March, June, July and September 2024 will be stagnant period with not much gain. You will need to avoid short term goals and instead focus on the long road ahead. You will turn spiritual to achieve peace and mental stability. You will be able to execute important career or business plans successfully. Sale of property and renovation will take place this year. You will be able to solve a problem among relatives. You will perform charity and help poor people.
There will be some last minute changes regarding promotion
or a particular position. Those looking for new job will find very few good
opportunities. You will be forced to protect a colleague even though you know
the person did a mistake. Those looking for a job should be flexible and avoid
giving too much importance status. You will not be able to please all the
people at workplace. Government jobs for some who had already given interview
or exams. Those working abroad will be forced to return back home. Migration
related matters will linger on due to lack of proper documentation.
Business people will decide to make important changes by adopting new
business methods and employing professionals.
In financial matters there is high probability of you
getting cheated. People will approach you and try to take advantage of your
innocence. Vehicle will be sold and better one will be brought. Opportunity to
settle ancestral property issues. You will pay initial amount for house or
flat. A house you had built will solved due to bad neighborhood or due to
permanent transfer. Luck is not in your favor you will face bad results in
games, lottery, and stocks. Money given to people as loan will not be returned
on time. There will be lot of travel expenses in the family. You will be
unhappy with the way in which family handles wealth.
Help from friends and siblings will comes as a great relief.
You will fall in love but the person might nor reciprocate in manner you expect.
An unwanted relationship of yours will cause problems in the family. You will
ignore advice of elders who are still holding on to unwanted customs and rules.
You will go to witness and important tournament. You will hear bad news about
an old friend.
Marriage related talks will be stuck due to the adamant
attitude of elders in the family. Some of you will decide to ignore advices and
take marriage matters in your hand. Those looking to remarry will face
discouragement. Problems in married life will not be settled but you will
decide to carry on for the sake of family and children. Secretive financial
dealings and others secrets of yours will be exposed causing disturbance in
your family life.
Health will deteriorate this year and your will be forced to
visit hospital frequently. There will be sudden and unexpected health problems
to a family member. Problems related to teeth, throat and back will give you
There will be lot of travels this year. Sometimes you will
have to make long distance journey more than once in a short period of time.
You will not be happy with results from journeys. Some of you will undertake
expeditions along with a group.
Students will lack focus and this will cause some problems
in admission to higher studies. You will regret a lost opportunity.