Swami Chidananda Saraswati (1916 – 2008) was the president of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh – associated with the Swami Sivananda Ashram. The Divine life society has created an official website of Swami Chidananda with his teachings in writing, audio and video formats. The website also includes some rare pictures of Swami Chidanandaji.
If you are new to the teachings of Swami Chidananda Saraswati. This is it in nutshell…
Divine consciousness is ever present, ever free, ever full and ever complete. This is what you are! Live in the light of his awareness with every breath and every step, with joy and with enthusiasm. No matter how thick is the covering of the clouds, the Sun shines brilliantly always. – Swami Chidananda Saraswati.
You can visit the official website here – Chidananda