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Aditya Hridaya Stotra in Sanskrit

Aditya Hridaya Stotra is a hymn dedicated to Surya (Sun God) in Valmiki Ramayana. Aditya Hridaya consists of 31 verses and is found in the 107th chapter of Yuddha Kanda of Ramayan. This is a pdf version of the text  of Aditya Hridaya Stotra in Sanskrit. It was narrated to Bhagavan Sri Rama by Sage Agastya to energize him in the battle against Ravana.

Bhagavan Sri Rama And Sage Agastya In Ramayana

In the Ramayana, the relationship between Bhagavan Sri Rama and Sage Agastya is one of reverence and respect. Sage Agastya is a highly revered sage in Hinduism, known for his wisdom, spiritual knowledge, and contributions to various scriptures. He is often depicted as a key figure in the Ramayana, providing guidance and support to Lord Rama during his journey.

One notable instance of Sage Agastya's involvement in the Ramayana is when he advises Rama on the use of divine weapons. During the battle against Ravana and his forces, Rama seeks the sage's guidance on how to overcome his adversaries. Sage Agastya imparts to Rama the knowledge of several powerful weapons, including the divine arrow called "Aditya Hrudayam," which Rama later uses to defeat Ravana.

Additionally, Sage Agastya is also believed to have played a role in the story of Rama's marriage to Sita. According to some versions of the Ramayana, Agastya advises King Janaka, Sita's father, to conduct a swayamvara (a ceremony where a princess chooses her groom from among eligible suitors) and to invite Rama to participate. This leads to the famous scene where Rama breaks Lord Shiva's bow, winning Sita's hand in marriage.

Overall, Sage Agastya's presence in the Ramayana highlights the importance of wisdom, guidance, and divine intervention in the epic's narrative. He symbolizes the role of spiritual mentors and guides who support the hero in his journey and help him overcome obstacles.
