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Dasamahavidya Pictures on Ganjifa Cards - Dasamahavidya In Hindu Traditional Painting

Dasamahavidya is the ten forms of Goddess Shakti worshipped in Hindu Tradition. The game of Ganjifa Cards was very popular in ancient India. The cards contain hand painted images of Dasamahavidyas and also image of Shiva.

You can view and download Dasamahavidyas Pictures on GanjifaCards at ignca website.

Dasamahavidya In Hindu Traditional Painting

The Das Mahavidyas, meaning "the ten great wisdoms," are a group of ten goddesses in Hinduism. They represent distinct aspects of the Divine Feminine, each possessing unique attributes and powers. In Hindu traditional painting, especially in the Tantric tradition, the Das Mahavidyas are frequently depicted in various artistic forms.

Here's how they are typically represented:

Kali: Often depicted as fierce, with a dark complexion and a garland of skulls around her neck. She symbolizes destruction and the overcoming of ego.

Tara: She is portrayed as serene and compassionate, sometimes depicted standing or sitting on a lotus. Tara represents compassion and healing.

Tripura Sundari (Sodashi): Often shown as a beautiful young woman, Tripura Sundari represents beauty, grace, and harmony.

Bhuvaneshwari: Depicted as majestic and seated on a lotus, Bhuvaneshwari symbolizes the nurturing and sustaining aspect of the Divine Mother.

Bhairavi: Typically depicted as fearsome, with a dark complexion and holding a sword and a cup of blood. Bhairavi embodies the power of destruction and transformation.

Chinnamasta: Usually depicted as a self-decapitated goddess standing on a copulating couple, holding her own severed head and drinking her own blood. Chinnamasta symbolizes self-sacrifice and the control of primal desires.

Dhumavati: Often shown as an old, widow-like figure, Dhumavati represents the aspect of the Divine associated with disappointment, suffering, and the void.

Bagalamukhi: Depicted with a golden complexion, Bagalamukhi is often shown seated on a throne, holding a club and pulling the tongue of a demon. She symbolizes the power to paralyze or defeat enemies.

Matangi: Typically depicted as dark complexioned and seated on a throne, Matangi symbolizes the power of speech, music, and creativity.

Kamala: Depicted as a radiant goddess seated on a lotus, Kamala represents abundance, prosperity, and fertility.

In traditional paintings, each Mahavidya is depicted with specific iconographic details and attributes that represent their individual characteristics and powers. These paintings not only serve as artistic expressions but also as tools for meditation and spiritual contemplation in Hindu Tantra.