The concept mentioned in the first quote 'at first this
universe...without a second' is deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy, particularly
in Vedanta, where Brahman is considered the ultimate reality, the source and
essence of everything. Here's an expansion on this idea:
In the ancient texts of Hinduism, it is described that
before the creation of the universe, there existed only Brahman – the supreme,
eternal, and infinite reality. Brahman is often referred to as Sat, which
signifies pure existence or being. It transcends all limitations of time,
space, and causation. Within Brahman lies the essence of all existence,
encompassing Truth, Wisdom, and Bliss.
Brahman is beyond any form of change or transformation. It
remains immutable and eternal, unaffected by the flux of the material world.
This unchanging nature is intrinsic to its essence, establishing Brahman as the
substratum upon which the entire cosmos manifests and dissolves.
Furthermore, Brahman is described as indivisible and
singular, without any duality or multiplicity. It is the ultimate unity
underlying the apparent diversity of the universe. This oneness signifies the
interconnectedness of all phenomena, emphasizing the underlying unity that
pervades existence.
The realization of Brahman is the highest goal in Hindu
spirituality. Through practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and devotion,
individuals seek to transcend the illusion of separateness and recognize their
essential identity with Brahman. This realization leads to liberation (moksha)
from the cycle of birth and death, as one merges with the eternal essence of
Brahman, experiencing boundless peace and fulfillment.
In summary, the concept of Brahman encapsulates the
timeless, changeless, and all-encompassing nature of ultimate reality in Hindu
philosophy. It serves as the foundational principle upon which the entire
universe rests, guiding spiritual seekers on the path to self-realization and
The concept mentioned in the second quote 'Ishwara has Maya under...seed of
this universe' is also deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy, particularly within
the framework of Advaita Vedanta. Let's break down the key points:
Ishwara: In Hinduism, Ishwara refers to the supreme being,
the ultimate reality or God. Ishwara is often considered the personal aspect of
the divine, with attributes such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
Maya: Maya is the principle of illusion or cosmic ignorance.
It's the power of the divine that veils the true nature of reality, leading
individuals to perceive the world as separate from the ultimate reality
(Brahman). Maya is the force that creates the illusion of duality, causing
individuals to perceive themselves as separate from God and each other.
Omniscience: Ishwara is considered omniscient, meaning
all-knowing. This implies that Ishwara has complete knowledge of all things,
including the past, present, and future.
Cause of Creation, Preservation, and Dissolution: Ishwara is
seen as the original cause or source of the universe. In Hindu cosmology,
Ishwara is responsible for the creation, preservation, and dissolution of the
universe in cycles known as Yugas. Ishwara creates the universe, sustains it
for a certain period, and ultimately withdraws it back into itself.
Seed of the Universe: Ishwara is often described as the seed
or the essence of the universe. This suggests that all existence arises from
Ishwara and is ultimately interconnected with and dependent on the divine.
In summary, Ishwara, according to Advaita Vedanta, is the
supreme being who controls Maya, possesses omniscience, is the original cause
of creation, preservation, and dissolution, and serves as the seed of the
universe. This concept reflects the foundational beliefs of Hinduism regarding
the nature of reality, the divine, and the cosmos.