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On Nag Panchami Give Milk to Poor not to Nag Murtis and Ant Hills - Pontiff Jaya Mruthyunjaya Swamiji of Panchapeetha

Milk is offered to Nag Murtis (Snake idols) and Ant Hills on Naga Panchami day. In some extreme form of worship people feed live cobras – offering milk and eggs to the snakes, especially to cobras near snake pits. Pontiff Jaya Mruthyunjaya Swamiji of Panchapeetha in Karnataka asked people to stop the practice of pouring milk on Nag Murtis and Ant hills on Nagara Panchami day and asked to donate the milk to the poor and needy. 
Pontiff Jaya Mruthyunjaya Swamiji of Panchapeetha distributed milk to small kids at DGM School on Kondajji road in Davanagere on Wednesday, to mark the celebration of 'nagara panchami' symbolically.

He advised people not to pour milk on cobra idols or into termite mounds and instead give it to poor children.

The programme was held as part of an awareness programme for the public to correct their superstitious beliefs and help the needy.
During Nag Panchami, some people also decorate snake pits, known as Valmeekam or Puttu. Snake charmers also bring cobras to villages and towns which are fed with milk by devotees. Such practices should not be encouraged as it endangers the life of snakes.
Forcefully feeding snakes, pouring milk into snake pits and bursting crackers should be discouraged. This only leads to the death of snakes. Snakes don’t drink milk but the practice has been encouraged by popular beliefs.
Worship of Nagas is a constant reminder to humans to live in harmony with Nature. And the ideal way to worship Nagas is by protecting the forests and grooves that are home of snakes and other animals – this in turn protect us and makes our life comfortable.