Choth Kajali Vrat is dedicated to Goddess Parvati and Hindu God Shiva and is observed by some communities in Gujarat . Choth Kajali Vrat 2025 date is August 12/13. It is observed on the fourth day of the Krishna Paksha or waning phase of moon in Shravan month in Gujarat . For some communities, this is a continuation of the Phool Kajali Vrat which is observed on the previous day.
The vrat is observed for a happy and prosperous life.
A unique ritual that is performed on the day is the stripping of paddy. The grains are stripped and collected on the day. A complete fast is observed on the day. Some people take a meal at night or consume dry coconut.
Please note that in Shravan month there are numerous vrats dedicated to Goddess Parvati and all of them are performed for a happy and prosperous married life.