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How Will The World End As Per Hinduism?

In Hinduism, the concept of the end of the world is intricately linked to the cyclical nature of time and the concept of yugas (ages). According to Hindu cosmology, time is divided into four yugas: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. These yugas collectively form a Mahayuga, and thousands of Mahayugas make up a single day of Brahma, the creator god. Here’s a detailed explanation of how the world ends according to Hindu beliefs:

The Yugas

  • Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga): This is the age of truth and righteousness, where humanity lives in harmony with dharma (cosmic law and order). It is the longest yuga, lasting 1,728,000 years.
  • Treta Yuga: The second age, lasting 1,296,000 years, sees a decline in virtue and righteousness compared to Satya Yuga. It is the age where the epic Ramayana is set.
  • Dvapara Yuga: The third age lasts 864,000 years. It witnesses further decline in virtue and a rise in discontent and conflict. The epic Mahabharata is set in this period.
  • Kali Yuga: The current age, lasting 432,000 years, is marked by strife, ignorance, and a significant decline in morality and virtue. According to Hindu scriptures, we are currently in Kali Yuga.

The End of Kali Yuga

At the end of Kali Yuga, it is believed that the world will undergo a significant transformation:

  • Moral and Social Decline: Society will experience extreme corruption, greed, and moral decay. People will become selfish and dishonest, and righteousness will be scarce.
  • Natural Disasters: There will be widespread natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and severe climatic changes, leading to great suffering and loss of life.
  • Kalki Avatar: Vishnu, the preserver god, will incarnate as Kalki, a warrior on a white horse, wielding a flaming sword. Kalki will destroy the evil and restore righteousness.

The Great Dissolution (Pralaya)

Following the destruction wrought by Kalki, a process called Pralaya (dissolution) occurs:

  • Partial Pralaya: At the end of each yuga, a partial dissolution happens, leading to changes in the world order and starting a new yuga.
  • Mahayuga Pralaya: At the end of a Mahayuga (a cycle of the four yugas), a greater dissolution takes place, involving significant cosmic upheavals.
  • Kalpa Pralaya: At the end of Brahma's day, all creation dissolves, and the universe reverts to a state of unmanifested potential, known as the unmanifested night of Brahma. This lasts for as long as Brahma's night (another 4.32 billion years).
  • Maha Pralaya: The ultimate dissolution happens at the end of Brahma's life span (100 years of Brahma, each consisting of 365 of Brahma's days and nights). At this time, the entire universe, including all its layers, is completely dissolved, and everything returns to the primordial state.

The Cycle Begins Anew

After the Maha Pralaya, the cycle of creation begins anew with another day of Brahma, starting with Satya Yuga. This cyclic nature of time emphasizes the eternal process of creation, preservation, and destruction.

In summary, Hinduism envisions the end of the world as a cyclical process involving periods of moral and natural decline, followed by divine intervention and cosmic dissolution, leading to a new cycle of creation. This perspective highlights the transient nature of the material world and the eternal nature of the soul and cosmic principles.