Hinduism does not believe in a God with remote control sitting somewhere in heaven and deciding human destiny due to its unique and multifaceted understanding of divinity, the universe, and the self. Several key aspects of Hindu theology and philosophy contribute to this perspective:
Non-dualistic Philosophy (Advaita Vedanta):
Advaita Vedanta, one of the prominent schools of Hindu
philosophy, teaches that the ultimate reality (Brahman) is non-dual and
impersonal. According to this view, Brahman is not a distinct, remote being but
the underlying essence of everything in the universe. Individual souls (atman)
and Brahman are ultimately one, which negates the idea of a separate God
controlling the world from a distance.
Immanence of Divinity:
Hinduism emphasizes the immanence of the divine, meaning
that God is present within all aspects of the universe and within every
individual. This belief is encapsulated in the idea that "the divine
dwells within each of us" (antaryami). Thus, God is not remote but
intimately connected to all existence.
Multiple Forms and Manifestations:
Hinduism recognizes multiple deities and manifestations of
the divine, each representing different aspects of the ultimate reality. These
deities are not seen as separate gods but as various expressions of the same
supreme principle. This multiplicity allows for a more fluid and personal
relationship with the divine, without the need for a single remote controlling
Role of Karma and Dharma:
The concepts of karma (action and its consequences) and
dharma (duty, righteousness) are central to Hindu thought. These principles
suggest that the universe operates according to a moral order rather than being
micromanaged by a remote deity. Individuals are responsible for their actions,
which aligns with the idea of self-governance rather than external control.
Cyclical Nature of Time and Creation:
Hindu cosmology views time as cyclical, with infinite cycles
of creation, preservation, and dissolution (samsara). This contrasts with the
linear, creationist view found in some other religions where a remote God
initiates and oversees the universe from a distinct point in time and space.
Personal Experience and Devotion (Bhakti):
Bhakti traditions within Hinduism emphasize personal
devotion and direct experience of the divine. Devotees often form personal
relationships with their chosen deities, experiencing them as present and
accessible rather than distant overseers. This personal connection negates the
need for a God who controls everything from afar.
In essence, Hinduism's theological framework and
philosophical principles promote a vision of the divine that is both immanent
and transcendent, rejecting the notion of a detached, controlling deity. This
view fosters a more intimate, immediate, and integrative experience of