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Story Of Immense Wealth Giving Sleepless Night – Rishi Kashyapa – Varadutta – King Raghu And Kubera

This story weaves together the themes of duty, wealth, and the unforeseen burdens that come with great riches. It draws from the lives of several significant figures in Hindu mythology and provides a lesson on the nature of wealth and contentment.

Varadutta, after completing his studies, approaches his guru Rishi Kashyapa for the traditional Guru Dakshina, a token of gratitude and respect. The guru, in a surprising demand, asks for an immense amount of gold. This request, steeped in symbolism, reflects the weight of true knowledge and the significant value placed on it.

Varadutta, determined to fulfill his guru's wish, recalls the legend of King Raghu's generosity. King Raghu, known for his unparalleled charity, is depicted as a ruler who ensures that no one leaves his court empty-handed. This reputation of Raghu symbolizes the ideal of selfless generosity and the responsibility of rulers to care for their subjects.

Upon meeting King Raghu, Varadutta finds him drinking water from an earthenware bowl. This simple act illustrates Raghu's humility and detachment from material wealth, despite his immense generosity. Raghu's initial reaction to Varadutta's request is to assure him that the gold will be provided by the next day, embodying his confidence in his ability to fulfill his promises.

However, Raghu soon discovers that his coffers are empty. This moment of realization highlights the impermanence of material wealth and the challenges even great kings face. At this critical juncture, the divine sage Narada arrives. Narada's advice to seek Kubera's help reflects the interconnectedness of the mortal and divine realms, and the reliance on higher powers in times of need.

Raghu's decision to march towards Kailasha, Kubera's abode, underscores his determination and the lengths he is willing to go to uphold his reputation and fulfill his promise. Narada, foreseeing the potential conflict, informs Kubera of Raghu's intentions. Kubera, fearing confrontation with the mighty king, preemptively fills Raghu's treasury with gold. This act symbolizes the influence of fear and respect in the face of true power and righteousness.

With the gold in hand, Varadutta returns to his guru, who now faces a dilemma. The immense wealth, initially seen as a boon, becomes a source of fear and anxiety for the guru, who worries about attracting thieves and robbers. This twist in the story illustrates the burdens and dangers that often accompany great wealth.

The guru's decision to leave the gold with Indra, the king of gods, further complicates the matter. Indra, upon learning that the gold belongs to Raghu, refuses to accept it, fearing the king's might and reputation. This refusal emphasizes the pervasive influence of Raghu's character, extending even to the divine realms.

Ultimately, the wealth returns to Kubera, restoring balance and leaving all parties content. This resolution highlights the cyclic nature of wealth and the idea that true contentment lies not in material possessions but in the fulfillment of one's duties and the respect earned through righteous actions.

Moral and Lessons

The story imparts several valuable lessons:

  • The True Value of Wealth: Wealth is transient and can bring unforeseen burdens and anxieties. True wealth lies in one's reputation, character, and the fulfillment of duties.
  • Generosity and Responsibility: True generosity comes with a sense of responsibility. A noble character like Raghu's earns respect and fear even from deities.
  • Interdependence of Mortal and Divine: Human endeavors often require divine intervention, highlighting the interconnectedness of the mortal and divine realms.
  • Contentment and Balance: True happiness and peace come from fulfilling one's duties and maintaining a balance, rather than accumulating material wealth.

Characters and Symbolism

Rishi Kashyapa:

Symbolism: Rishi Kashyapa is a revered sage, representing wisdom, authority, and spiritual discipline. His demanding an immense amount of gold as Guru Dakshina symbolizes the idea that true knowledge and spiritual attainment often come with high demands and sacrifices.


Symbolism: Varadutta, the diligent brahmin student, embodies devotion, respect for tradition, and the earnest pursuit of knowledge. His journey symbolizes the trials and tribulations faced by seekers of knowledge in fulfilling their duties.

King Raghu:

Symbolism: King Raghu, renowned for his generosity and fairness, represents the ideal ruler who prioritizes the needs of others over his own. His empty coffers despite his reputation reflect the transient nature of wealth and the value of reputation over material riches.


Symbolism: Kubera, the god of wealth, signifies abundance, prosperity, but also the anxiety and fear that immense wealth can bring. His swift action to fill Raghu's treasury reflects the respect and fear even deities have for noble kings.


Symbolism: Narada, the divine sage and messenger, represents wisdom, guidance, and the catalyst for change. His intervention highlights the role of divine assistance in human affairs, steering the course of events.

Through the tale of Varadutta, King Raghu, and Kubera, the story conveys profound wisdom about the nature of wealth, duty, and contentment, resonating with timeless relevance.