In Hinduism, the concept that opposites are fundamentally of one essence is deeply rooted in its philosophical and spiritual teachings. This idea is most prominently expressed in the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta, which is a non-dualistic system of thought. Here's an explanation of how this principle manifests in Hindu teachings:
Advaita Vedanta: Non-Dualism
Non-Dual Reality (Brahman):
Advaita Vedanta, propounded by the philosopher Adi
Shankaracharya, teaches that the ultimate reality is non-dual (Advaita) and is
called Brahman. Brahman is the singular, infinite, and eternal reality that
underlies all existence.
According to this view, all apparent opposites (such as good
and evil, pleasure and pain, life and death) are illusory distinctions (Maya)
superimposed upon Brahman.
Unity of Atman and Brahman:
The individual self (Atman) is fundamentally one with
Brahman. The perceived differences between the self and the world are due to
ignorance (Avidya).
Enlightenment involves realizing the oneness of Atman and
Brahman, transcending all dualities and recognizing the unity of all existence.
The Bhagavad Gita: Balance and Equanimity
Samatvam (Equanimity):
The Bhagavad Gita teaches the importance of maintaining
equanimity in the face of opposites. In Chapter 2, Verse 14, Lord Krishna
advises Arjuna to endure the dualities of pleasure and pain, success and
failure, with a balanced mind.
This equanimity (Samatvam) is a key aspect of yoga and
spiritual maturity, reflecting the understanding that opposites are transient
and ultimately unreal.
Tantra: Embracing Dualities
Integration of Opposites:
In Tantra, the union of opposites is symbolized by the
divine couple Shiva and Shakti. Shiva represents pure consciousness, while
Shakti represents dynamic energy. Together, they embody the totality of
Tantric practices often involve the recognition and
integration of dualities, leading to a holistic experience of the divine.
Upanishads: Philosophical Insights
Chandogya Upanishad:
The famous Mahavakya (great saying) "Tat Tvam Asi"
(That Thou Art) from the Chandogya Upanishad encapsulates the idea that the
individual self (Thou) is one with the ultimate reality (That).
This teaching emphasizes the oneness of all beings and the
underlying unity behind apparent diversity.
Practical Implications
Spiritual Practices:
Meditation and self-inquiry (Jnana Yoga) are practiced to
transcend the dualistic perception of reality and experience the oneness of all
Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion) and Karma Yoga (path of
selfless action) also lead to the realization of this unity by dissolving the
ego and fostering a sense of universal love and service.
Moral and Ethical Outlook:
Understanding that opposites are of one essence encourages
compassion, tolerance, and a harmonious approach to life, seeing the divine
presence in all beings and situations.
In summary, the teaching that opposites are fundamentally of
one essence is a cornerstone of Hindu philosophy. It underscores the non-dual
nature of reality and encourages spiritual practices that lead to the
realization of this profound truth.