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Puja Room Direction In Hindu Home

The placement and arrangement of the Puja room, or prayer room, hold significant importance in Hindu homes. Here's a more expanded explanation:

Direction of the Puja Room: In Hindu tradition, it is recommended that the Puja room be located in the northeast or east direction of the house. The northeast direction is considered auspicious as it is associated with positive energy flow and is believed to be the direction of the Sun, symbolizing prosperity and spiritual awakening. The east direction is also considered favorable for the Puja room as it signifies the beginning of a new day and symbolizes the source of life and energy.

Placement of Murtis (Idols of Gods): When placing murtis in the Puja room, it is customary for them to face west. This positioning allows worshippers to face east while offering prayers. Facing east during worship is believed to be spiritually beneficial, as it aligns with the direction of the rising Sun, symbolizing the journey from darkness to light and the awakening of spiritual consciousness.

Vittal (Sri Krishna) and  Rukmini

Avoidance of Bedrooms: It is advised not to place murtis or create a Puja space in bedrooms. Bedrooms are considered private spaces primarily used for rest and relaxation, and it is preferred to keep them separate from areas designated for worship and spiritual activities.

Orientation Towards the Main Door: Images of Gods or murtis in the Puja room should not directly face the main door of the house. This practice is based on the belief that the main door is a passage for both positive and negative energies, and positioning murtis to directly face it may disrupt the flow of positive energy within the home.

Arrangement of Murtis in the Puja Area: Within the Puja room, if there are multiple murtis of Hindu Gods, it is advisable not to place them facing each other. This arrangement is avoided as it may create a sense of confrontation or conflict between the deities, which goes against the spirit of harmony and reverence in Hindu worship.

By adhering to these guidelines for the placement and arrangement of the Puja room and murtis, Hindu households aim to create a sacred space conducive to spiritual practice, meditation, and connection with the divine.