Famous clutch-maker Judith Leiber has introduced a women's strapless purse in the shape of Lord Ganesh, which is a collectors item. The price of Ganesh Evening Bags is $5595 and around 285,000 rupees in
Famous Porcelain masters like Lladro and Lenox have already introduced several Ganesha sculptures. Most of them are limited editions and unique sculptures. The only one released by Lenox was priced around $2000. Lladro has already created a series of Ganesha porcelain figures which is a major hit around the world and the price ranges around $900.
In recent years, there is a craze for Lord Ganesha shaped idols, paintings etc. This cute-faced Hindu God who is the remover of obstacles (Vigneshwara) and the Lord of the Ganas (Ganapati) is slowly and steadily becoming the face of Hinduism around the world.