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A Bhajan by Surdas

A Bhajan by Surdas

I have danced enough, O Lord!
Wearing the garb of lust and anger,
With the necklace of sense-objects dangling on
my neck.
With the anklets of illusion tied on my feet,
Criticism as the lyric
Keeping my deluded mind as the
accompanying drum (pakhvaj),
I am dancing to the tune of evil company.
My inner cravings give the beats (tal) to the
Greed as the mark (tilak) on my forehead
With the snares of Maya tied around my waist,
Oblivious of time and place,
O son of Nanda (Krishna)! Surdas pleads to you
to remove all this avidya!

Meaning Of The Bhajan

This poem is a heartfelt plea from the poet, Surdas, to the divine figure, Krishna, for liberation from the cycle of worldly desires and ignorance (avidya). Here's a breakdown of the poem's meaning:

Acknowledgment of past actions: The poet starts by acknowledging that they have indulged enough in worldly pursuits symbolized by "lust and anger." They have adorned themselves with the trappings of material desires ("necklace of sense-objects," "anklets of illusion").

Awareness of negative influences: The poet recognizes the negative influences surrounding them, described as "evil company" and "deluded mind." They are aware of the criticism they face, symbolizing a sense of guilt or self-awareness of their actions.

Realization of inner struggles: The poet reveals their inner turmoil, where their desires and cravings dictate their actions ("inner cravings give the beats"). Greed is depicted as a prominent feature ("greed as the mark on my forehead").

Desire for liberation: Surdas, addressing Krishna as "O son of Nanda," expresses a sincere plea for liberation from this cycle of ignorance and desire. They seek enlightenment and freedom from the illusions of Maya (material world).

Overall, the poem captures the universal struggle against worldly desires and the longing for spiritual liberation. Surdas, through his words, seeks divine intervention to break free from the bondage of materialism and attain spiritual enlightenment.