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Lakshman Sarma Quotes - Disciple Of Sri Ramana Maharshi

Lakshman Sarma a disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi

Worldly life is full of misery because of one’s subjection to desires and fears that never cease but only change their forms. Only one whose attachments have been weakened by the realization that true and lasting happiness is not to be had in this worldly life is ripe for discipleship.

Ignorance and mind are inseparable; where there is mind, there alone is ignorance; where there is no mind, there is no ignorance, since in the mind-free state the real Self is not concealed. This explains why the real Self is not known to men in general.

In ignorance there is the sense of ‘I am the body’ or of ‘This body is mine’, that is, the body is either ‘I’ or ‘mine’. When this attachment ceases, bondage is at an end.

Lakshman Sarma
(Source - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad)

Explanation of few above concepts

In Vedanta philosophy, the statement "where there is no mind, there is no ignorance" encapsulates a profound insight into the nature of human consciousness and the pursuit of spiritual realization. Vedanta is a school of thought within Hindu philosophy that emphasizes the ultimate unity of the individual soul (Atman) with the supreme reality (Brahman).

This statement suggests that ignorance (avidya) arises from the fluctuations of the mind. In the Vedantic view, the mind is the instrument through which the individual perceives and interacts with the world. However, when the mind is clouded by desires, attachments, and false perceptions, it obscures the true nature of reality and leads to ignorance.

According to Vedanta, the ultimate goal of life is to realize one's true nature as Atman, which is identical with Brahman, the ultimate reality or absolute consciousness. This realization is said to lead to liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). However, this realization cannot be attained as long as the mind is dominated by ignorance.

Therefore, the statement "where there is no mind, there is no ignorance" implies that by transcending the mind, one can overcome ignorance and attain enlightenment. This does not mean the annihilation of the mind but rather the transcendence of its limitations and fluctuations. Through practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and contemplation, one can cultivate a state of mind that is clear, focused, and free from ignorance.

In essence, this teaching underscores the importance of mastering the mind as a means to realizing the true nature of existence and attaining spiritual liberation in the Vedantic tradition.


In Hinduism, the concept - worldly life is full of misery because of attachments and fear - aligns with the teachings on the nature of worldly existence, known as "Samsara." Samsara is the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth that individuals undergo, governed by the law of karma. According to Hindu philosophy, attachment and fear are key factors that bind individuals to this cycle and perpetuate suffering.

Attachment (Raga): Attachment refers to the clinging or desire for worldly things, relationships, and experiences. Hindus believe that attachment leads to suffering because it creates dependence on impermanent things. When individuals become attached, they develop cravings and desires that are insatiable, leading to disappointment and sorrow when those desires are not fulfilled. Moreover, attachment can cloud one's judgment and lead to actions that result in negative consequences, further perpetuating the cycle of suffering.

Fear (Dvesha): Fear arises from the uncertainty and impermanence inherent in worldly existence. Individuals fear loss, change, and the unknown, which creates anxiety and distress. Fear can also lead to attachment, as individuals seek security and stability in transient things. Additionally, fear can manifest as aversion or hatred towards experiences or individuals perceived as threatening, further entangling individuals in negative emotions and actions.

In Hinduism, liberation from the cycle of Samsara is the ultimate goal, known as "Moksha." Moksha is attained through self-realization, detachment (from worldly attachments), and the cessation of desires and aversions. By transcending attachment and fear, individuals can attain liberation and experience eternal bliss and freedom from suffering. Various spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, self-inquiry, and devotion, are advocated in Hinduism to help individuals overcome attachment and fear and progress towards Moksha.