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Mada In Hinduism – Intoxication Of Lust Or Pride

Mada is one of the six negative influences over the mind as per Hinduism. The six negative qualities that leads to unhappiness, remorse and perpetual hell on earth are Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (lustful delusion), mada (intoxication of lust or pride) and Matsarya (jealousy).

These six negative qualities spring from the rajasika and tamasik nature of the living being.

The source of emergence of mada is tamo guna, which leads to ignorance and darkness.

The manifestations of mada are subtle and unpredictable. This could be due to one’s vidya (learning), rupa (beauty), yauvana (youth), bala (power) and the like.

Mada influences the mind, because of which the being enters into a state of blind lust or blind delusion of power beyond his limits and rightful spheres of activity.

Mada of power and money is generally construed as arrogant egoistic behavior of the being, under the influence of which he acts to enjoy pleasures from violence, insulting others, self-aggrandizement, violating the path of dharma. The sins resulting from such actions cause one’s downfall.

There are a number of stories in the Hindu scriptures illustrating how all types of beings come under the influence of this force of “lustful passion” have been punished. The famous story of madasura in puranas should be remembered here

A king is directed not to function under the influence of mada.

Bhagavad Gita calls the mentality imbued with mada as tamasi (18/35). The reverse form of this word, or dama (self control and restraint) is the only way to save the being.

In the company of the learned, mada gradually comes down like a fever, says Bhartrhari.