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Sarpa Dosha Remedies

A person, or family, suffers from Sarpa Dosha when a family member has hurt a snake or naga intentionally. The curse of the Sarpa (serpent) constantly haunts the family. Here are some important Sarpa dosha remedies.
  •  The most effective solution to Sarpa Dosha is the worship and puja of peepal tree.
  • On Ayiliyam or Aslesha Nakshatra day, after taking bath visit a peepal tree located in a temple or in a sacred place.  Offer milk to the roots. Mix petals of rose flower, white til, chandan and black til in water and offer it to the roots of the peepal tree.
  • Perform annadanam or food donation on an auspicious day.
  • Feed animals. Feed fishes
  • Distribute dress to poor children.
  • Distribute books to poor children.
  • Plant trees. Protect sacred groves.