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Why Mango Leaves Are Used In Decoration During Hindu Pujas And Festivals?

Torana or festoon of fresh mango leaves is an indispensable part in all South Indian Hindu pujas and festivals. It is also used in many regions during puja and to decorate the Kalash pot. Mango leaves are strung on a thread and hung on the doors and windows. The main reason why mango leaf is preferred is that they last longer than other leaves. They are also thick and sturdy. 

It is believed that the long life of mango leaves helps it to generate oxygen. And this property of the leaf helps it to absorb carbon dioxide and infuse fresh oxygen. Therefore there is a popular belief that mango leaves are specifically used during pujas and festivals to generate oxygen as large crowd gather during these days in a confined place.

Mango leaves are also used to cover the neck of the Kalash pot used during Puja.

Five mango leaves are placed on the mouth of the Kalash pot. In some regions it is 9 or 11 leaves.

It is widely believed Goddess Lakshmi, Govardhan mountain, Gandharva and fertility gods (kama and Rati) reside.

In marriage ceremonies, the leaf symbolizes fertility.

The hanging of the mango leaves is also meant to announce that an auspicious ceremony is taking place in the house.

There is also a belief that Mango leaves attract positive and divine energy and this one reason why it is used to decorate puja area.