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Showing posts from December 15, 2016

Hindu Stories - King Janashruti And Cart Puller Raikva - Chandogya Upanishad

Story of King Janashruti and cart puller Raikva is found in fourth chapter of Chandogya Upanishad. King Janashruti had attained luminous spiritual power by offering food to people. He built dharamshalas and eateries in all villages and towns in his country to ensure that no one slept without food. One day the king was resting on the terrace of his palace. Two swans happened to be flying over the palace. One swan warned the other swan not to go near the king and disturb him, as his spiritual power will destroy it. The other swan retorted by saying that the king is not as great as you think as there is a cart puller named Raikva in whom all virtue and wisdom resided. He is the greatest. King Jan Shruti overheard the conversation and was curious to meet cart puller Raikva. After long search, the king was able to locate Raikva. The king made several offers to entice Raikva to make him his disciple. But the king was unsuccessful. The king then threatened the cart puller but i

Five Situations That Arise In the Wake of Obstacles on the Path of Yoga

Five situations that arise in the wake of the obstacles on the path of Yoga are mentioned by Sage Patanjali in the Yogasutra. They are: Pain Mental dejection due to frustration and of desire Trembling of the body Forcible inspirations Forcible expirations. To overcome all these five situations, Sage Patanjali has recommended the practice of pinpointedness. Situations Arising from Obstacles on the Path of Yoga Pain (Dukha) : Pain is an inevitable experience on the path of Yoga. It can manifest physically due to intense practices or mentally as one confronts deep-seated fears and emotional baggage. Physical pain may come from stretching beyond one’s current capacity, while mental pain might arise from facing and releasing past traumas or unfulfilled desires. Mental Dejection Due to Frustration and Desire (Daurmanasya) : The pursuit of Yoga often leads to heightened self-awareness, which can surface latent desires and frustrations. When these desires are not met, or progress i