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Bhagavad Gita – Dhyana Yoga Teachings

Teachings from Bhagavad Gita – Dhyana Yoga Chapter.

He who does the work that is his duty to do, without looking for rewards or the fruits of this work – that man, O Arjuna, is the perfect mystic.

A person who has truly renounced is he who worships through his work, who renounces the desires of work, but still does his duty.

The soul of the man who lives under self-control and is at peace is centered on itself. It responds in the same way to pleasure and pain, heat and cold, glory and shame.

He is the Yogi, the mystic who is satisfied with light and truth, who dwells in transcendence and submits his senses, seeing dirt, rock and gold all as the same, all as one. And he carries this with him, treating equally his comrades, friends, acquaintances, strangers, lovers, enemies and kinsmen – loving all of them whether they are evil or good.

Bhagavad Gita - Dhyana Yoga


A person who has truly renounced is one who worships through their work, finding a sacred duty in the actions they perform. This individual has let go of personal desires and attachments to the outcomes of their work, focusing instead on the intrinsic value and the duty itself. This renunciation doesn't mean abandoning responsibilities or ceasing to act; rather, it means performing one's duties with a sense of devotion and detachment. By relinquishing the ego and the fruits of their labor, this person embodies the essence of selfless action, aligning their life with a higher spiritual purpose.

In this way, true renunciation is not about physical withdrawal from the world, but about a profound internal transformation. It is the practice of Karma Yoga, where one's actions are offerings to the divine, done without selfish intent. Through such dedicated and detached action, one achieves inner peace and spiritual liberation, living harmoniously with the world while being free from the bondage of desires.