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Showing posts from April 27, 2015

Bharani Nakshatra Tree – Which is the tree associated with Bharani birth star Born People?

There are trees associated with each 27 nakshatrams or birth stars. Bharani Nakshatra also has a particular tree dedicated to it. People born on each nakshatra should worship the particular tree. The tree associated and worshipped by Bharani Nakshatra Born People is Indian gooseberry tree or phylanthus emblica. The Hindi name of the Bharani Nakshatra Tree is Amla The Telugu name is Usiri, Usirikaya The Malayalam name is Nelli or Nellikaya Tamil Name is Nelli Kannada name is Betta nelli or Amalaka In Marathi it is known as Amla or Awla. Bengali name is Amloki Bharani Nakshatra born people should plant the Indian gooseberry tree. Water it. They should also protect the tree.

Brihaspateshwara Mahadev – Brihaspateshwara Form of Shiva

Brihaspateshwara Mahadev is a unique and rare form of Lord Shiva that is venerated in select temples across India. This particular form is closely associated with Brihaspati, the divine sage and guru of the Devas, who is also the planet Jupiter's presiding deity. Devotees primarily worship Brihaspateshwara Mahadev on Thursdays, known as Guruvar or Brihaspativar in Hindi, which is a day dedicated to Brihaspati. One notable temple dedicated to Brihaspateshwara Mahadev is located in the ancient city of Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. This shrine is situated in close proximity to two other significant temples: the Sankatmochan Hanuman Temple, which is devoted to Lord Hanuman, and the Swapneshwara Mahadev Temple, another important temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. In the Brihaspateshwara Mahadev temple, Brihaspati Dev is worshipped in the form of a Shivling, a symbolic representation of Lord Shiva. The Shivling is a common feature in Shiva temples and is considered a powerful representation

If birthday falls on Thursday – what are the effects as per Hindu Astrology?

If a birthday falls on a Thursday, Hindu astrology suggests that the person will receive various types of clothes and enjoy a prosperous year. This belief is rooted in astrological traditions specific to certain regions and should not be confused with official Hindu scriptures or religious teachings. These astrological views are often followed in different cultural practices and may vary from one community to another. To enhance the positive effects of a birthday on Thursday, it is considered auspicious to offer prayers to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Devotees believe that invoking these deities on such a significant day brings blessings and prosperity. Chanting prayers dedicated to Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi is particularly meritorious. One recommended chant is "Om Namo Narayana Nama," a sacred mantra invoking the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Engaging in these spiritual practices is thought to amplify the positive astrological influences associated with a Thursday birt

Matching Stars for Makam Nakshatram Born Boy – Matching Star for Makam Nakshatra Male

Matching stars for Makam Nakshatram born boy as per Kerala/Malayalam jyothisham is given below. It must be noted that the matching star is for male born in Makam Nakshatram only. It is not for female born in the star. Matching Star for Makam Nakshatra Male are: Karthika ¾ , Rohini, Makayiram first quarter, Punirtham ¼ , Ayiliyam, Pooram, Uthram, Atham, Chithira, Chothi, Vishakam, Anizham, Triketta, Moolam, Pooradam, Uthiradam, Tiruonam, Avittam, Chathayam, Pooruruttahi and Uthrittathi – born girls are suitable for Makam born male.

Matching Stars for Ayiliyam Nakshatram Born Boy – Matching Star for Ayiliyam Nakshatra Male

Matching stars for Ayiliyam Nakshatram born boy as per Kerala/Malayalam jyothisham is given below. It must be noted that the matching star is for male born in Ayiliyam Nakshatram only. It is not for female born in the star. Matching Star for Ayiliyam Nakshatra Male are: Ashwathly, Bharani, Karthika ¾ , Tiruvathira, Pooyam, Makam, Pooram, Uthram, Atham, Chithira, Chothi, Vishakam, Anizham, Triketta, Uthradam ¾ ,  Thiruonam and Avittam first quarter – born girls are suitable for Ayiliyam born male.

Paripadal – Tamil Songs Dedicated to Bhagvan Vishnu and Muruga

Paripadal is a Tamil text believed to have been written during the Sangam Age and is dedicated to Bhagvan Srihari Vishnu and Muruga. The text gets the name from the Paripaadal meter used to write the songs. There are 8 songs dedicated to Bhagvan Vishnu, 31 are dedicated to Muruga, one to Varuna, 26 to Vaigai and four to Madurai city. Paripadal is not written by a single person. Numerous people composed the poems. At the end of each verse, the name of the poet who wrote the verse, the name of the person who set it to tune and the raga in which it has to be sung are mentioned. The verses mainly glorify the deities. It also gives key information and relevance of the subject matter during the Sangam Era.  The Hindu explains the verses dedicated to Vishnu here.     The verses on Vishnu say that He is the heat of the fire; the fragrance of the flowers; the truth in words; the embodiment of love; the light in a flame; the coolness of the moon. Vishnu is all of these, says the Pa

What is Righteousness? – Yajnavalkya Smriti

Righteousness in the context of the Yajnavalkya Smriti encompasses a comprehensive array of virtues that collectively define moral and ethical conduct. Yajnavalkya Smriti, an ancient Hindu text, outlines these qualities as integral to the concept of righteousness: Truth (Satya): Truth is the foundation of righteousness. It entails being honest and truthful in one’s speech and actions. Upholding the truth is considered a fundamental duty, as it fosters trust and integrity in society. Honesty (Arjava): Honesty involves straightforwardness and sincerity. It is about being genuine and transparent in dealings with others, avoiding deceit and fraud. This virtue ensures fairness and justice in personal and professional relationships. Mildness (Mardava): Mildness or gentleness reflects a compassionate and kind approach towards others. It is the quality of being considerate and not causing harm or distress through harsh words or actions. Mildness promotes harmony and peaceful coexiste