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Showing posts from September 2, 2020

Bharani Nakshatra Date And Time 2021 – Barani Birth Star Dates In 2021

Bharani Nakshatra 2021 dates and time based on traditional Hindu calendar Astrology and Panchangam. Bharani Birth Star, also read as ;Barani, is the second Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras. As per Hindu astrology Bharani Nakshatra, or birth star, falls under Mesha Rashi or Aries. Mangal is the Lord of the Rasi. The lucky color of Bharani is Blood red. Bharani Nakshatra Time - North - East - South of India This nakshatra or birth start time is applicable in Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram and Andaman and Nicobar. January 22, 2021, Friday Time is from 3:31 PM on January 21 to 6:08 PM on January 22, 2021 February 18, 2021, Thursday Time is from 10:38 PM on February 17 to 1:15 AM on February 19, 202

Why Adhika Masam Is The Best Month For Spiritual Purposes?

For all kinds of spiritual and devotional purposes Adhika Masam is the best month. Once upon a time, Adhika Masam came to this world. Every one took this month as the most inauspicious. It was constantly cursed and rejected by everyone as an improper time for any auspicious activities. Being rejected by the human beings, Adhika Masam became very sad. She came to Vaikunta to explain her sorrowful condition to the Lord. Seeing Lord Vishnu on His throne, she fell down at His lotus feet in a mood of depression and grief. Tears were falling profusely from her eyes. She prayed to the Lord, “Oh! Ocean of Mercy! I have come to You because I am helpless. I have been rejected and cursed by the people of the world. Please protect me and shower mercy on me.” Saying these words, the Adhika Masam continued crying in front of Lord Vishnu and sat down before Him in a dejected mood. Lord Vishnu became merciful towards her. He told her, “Do not lament, I shall give you protection f

How Sahadeva Died In The Mahabharata?

At the end of their rule, Pandavas decided to retire. It was time for them to bid good bye to civilization. Sahadeva died during the final journey of Pandavas and it is mentioned in the Mahaprasthanika Parva. Sahadeva followed his wife, Draupadi, and brothers to the great snow-clad mountains in the Himalayas. Draupadi slipped and fell as they started climbing the Himalayas.  Sahadeva fell next. Bhima soon realized that Sahadeva had fallen and was about die. He asked to Yudhisthira as to why Sahadeva had fallen as he had never performed any evil. Yudhisthira told Bhima that Sahadeva had reaped the fruits of his actions. He had thought himself unparalleled in wisdom. His proud was his sin. The brothers who had decided to give up all ties climbed the mountain leaving Sahadeva behind. Sahadeva died soon.

A man is as his faith is – Bhagavad Gita Wisdom

A man is as his faith is. (Bhagavad Gita 17.3) Friendly and compassionate to all and without any touch of hatred; devoid of possessiveness and arrogance; ever content and contemplative; alike in happiness and misery; self-controlled and firm in conviction; dedicated to Me with all his heart and all his soul—dear to Me is a man who is thus devoted. Than (a mere formal) practice of disciplines, a clear intellectual understanding (of the doctrine) is better. Than such understanding, meditation is better. Even better than meditation is the abandonment of the fruits of action. For, such abandonment (of the fruits of works and sense of their agency) is immediately followed by peace. (Gita 12.12)