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Showing posts from May 7, 2019

Remedies to Overcome Kaal Sarp Yog Related Child Birth Problems

Those people who do have children might be suffering from Kaal Sarp Yog in their horoscope. There are several remedies mentioned in astrology to overcome Kaal Sarp Yog related childbirth problems. Here are few of Kaal Sarp Yog Remedies To overcome Sarp Dosh, a person suffering from it should perform Naga Puja especially on Panchami tithi or on Ashlesha Nakshatra day. Offering prayers to Nagaraja and other snake gods on Sundays, Panchami and Ashlesha Nakshatra day is beneficial. Doing food donation is meritorious. Feeding animals, protecting trees and groves also helps in alleviating problems associated with Kaal Sarp Yog. It is believed that those suffering from Kaal Sarp Yog in their horoscope will have children related problems. Some people will find it difficult having children others will have bad children who will constantly cause problems.

Sendha Namak – Salt Used During Hindu Vrat and Fasting – Health Benefits

Sendha Namak is known as rock salt in English and it can be recognized from the pinkish color. This salt is used during all Hindu vrat and fasting especially Navratri and Ekadashi. Health Benefits of Sendha Namak Sendha namak is less salty. It is effective in curing arthritis. It is the purest form of salt, as it does not contain chemicals and pollutants. As per Ayurveda, it is effective against the three doshas – pitta, kabha and vata. It does not contain iodine. Rich in minerals like iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium. It helps in overcoming indigestion. Insect bite wounds heal quickly when Sendha namak is rubbed over it. Rinsing water mixed with Sendha namak helps in the fast healing of mouth ulcers. It has property to flush out toxins from the body. It helps in proper circulation of blood. Sendha Namak and Weight Loss There is a popular belief that Sendha Namak helps in weight loss. This is based on two facts: It has the capacity to burn fat cells. It

Prajapati in Hinduism - Who is Prajapati?

Prajapati is the ‘lord of creatures’ in Hinduism and is mentioned in the Vedas, Puranas and the two epics - Mahabharata and Ramayana. In the Vedas, Prajapati had individuality but gradually the term is applied to Indra and other important deities. In the later Vedic period, especially in certain Puranas and other literature associated with Hinduism, the term Prajapati is applied to Lord Brahma. In Vedas It seems that in the Vedic period, Prajapati occupied an important place. The Vedas mention him as the creator of earth. Ka is one of the names of Prajapati, a Vedic God. The reference to the deity is found in the famous Hiranya Garphasukta (Rig Veda X.121) In the beginning, he arose as Hiranyagarbha. When born, he was the one Lord of all that exists. He supported the earth and this heaven. What God with our offering shall we worship? ……… O Prajapati, you alone have encompassed all these created things: May that for which with longing we have called upon you be

Akshaya Tritiya Quotes and Thoughts – Hindu Blog

Today, talk about Akshaya Tritiya and the first thing that comes to the mind is Gold – not Kuchela and Sri Krishna. Akshaya Tritiya is the day when Sri Krishna proved to the world that what matters is Bhakti or Devotion. Not rituals, not costly pujas, not austerities not torturing the body but steadfast devotion is what makes the difference. The sweat and stone filled beaten rice (aval or poha) of Kuchela turned to gold because of devotion. Today we don’t remember Kuchela and Sri Krishna, but clearly remembers the gold. Gold is worshipped not God. What a clever marketing executive of a jewelry shop executed a decade ago became a craze and today Akshaya Tritiya has become a day to buy anything and everything from gold to safety pin. Ardha (wealth) is an important aspect in Hinduism But Ardha (wealth) is only one among the purushartha – aims of life. There is also Dharma, Ardha,  Kama , and Moksha. Even when dealing with religious scriptures we are choosy, we twist

Sri Aurobindo on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 13

Sri Aurobindo Thoughts on highest aim in the Bhagavad Gita and an interpretation of Gita Chapter 2, Verse 13. As the embodied soul (master of the body) has childhood, youth and old age occurring to the body, so too is his change over to another body. The calm and wise man is not disturbed  or perplexed in that regard. (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 13) The soul is the reality, not the body. All these kings men for whose approaching death Arjuna mourns, have lived before, they will live again in the human body; for as soul passes physically through childhood and youth and age, so it passes on to the changing of the body. The calm and wise mind, the thinker who looks upon life steadily and does not allow himself to be disturbed and blinded by his sensations and emotions, is not deceived by material appearances; he does not allow the clamour of his blood and his nerves and his heart to cloud his judgement or to contradict his knowledge. He looks beyond the apparent facts of th