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Showing posts from November 3, 2018

Dhoop in Hindu Puja – Symbolism and Why Dhoop is used in Hindu Worship?

Dhoop is lighted before the images of gods and goddesses during Hindu Puja ad worship. It is basically lighted to purify the air and spread fragrance. It is also believed that lighting Dhoop helps in warding of the evil spirits. Basically, Dhoop is burned to keep away bad odors which attract evil or the demons. It is believed that when Gods arrive to participate in the puja, the paths through which they arrive are kept smelling sweet and fresh with Dhoops. What is pleasing to human beings is presumed to be pleasing to the gods and therefore good smell of Dhoop is used in pujas. It is also believed that the smoke of Dhoop is similar to the smoke of sacrifice or yajna and therefore it is offered to please the deities.

How Indra Lost His Pride? When A Hair Falls From Chest of Shiva Indra Is Replaced

There is an interesting story in the Brahma Vaivarta Purana which shows how Indra lost his pride. After defeating Vritra, Indra became the king of the demigods (Devas). This victory created unwanted pride in Indra and to commemorate the victory he asked Vishwakarma, the divine architect, to build a palace.  Vishwakarma designed and built a beautiful palace but Indra was not satisfied and he kept on suggesting improvements. Finally an exhausted Vishwakarma took the help of Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu one day came to Indra’s palace in guise of a small boy and said that no former Indra had such a beautiful palace. Indra was amused that the boy knew about former Indras. The boy then told Indra about the cycle of birth and rebirth. While he was explaining this, a group of ants passed by and entered into one of the holes in the palace. The boy laughed and said that the ants were all former Indras. While this conversation was going on Shiva entered the palace as an old h

Story of Goddess Gayatri Appearing From Cow

A legend found in the Puranas suggests that Goddess Gayatri appeared from the body of a cow. Legend has it that Brahma wanted to perform a Vedic Yajna but he was unable to perform it as he had no wife. A yajna could only be conducted along with the wife. Brahma went to Goddess Saraswati and asked Her to be his wife and sit by him during the yajna. Goddess Saraswati agreed to take the form of Goddess Savitri and be Brahma’s divine consort. Goddess Saraswati went away to purify herself. Brahma started preparation for the yajna. But long after the completion of the preparation, Goddess Saraswati did not return. Brahma lost his patience and looked out for another woman. He found a milkmaid walking at a distance. Brahma passed her through the body of a cow and from the cow appeared Goddess Gayatri. Goddess Saraswati soon appeared on the yajna scene as Savitri and was furious to see another woman sitting by the side of Brahma. Savitri became furious an

Story – Tulsi Leaf and Sri Krishna Weighed on Balance Scale – Which is Heavy Bhakti or Material Possessions

There is an important story mentioned in Hindu scriptures which prove that Love and Bhakti are the best options to overcome Maya. Legend has it that one day, Sage Narada reached Dwarka and wives of Sri Krishna offered him a gift. Sage Narada wanted to take away Sri Krishna with him as gift. The wives were not ready to give Sri Krishna. But since they had made a promise; they agreed to give anything that is equal to the weight of Sri Krishna. Sage Narada agreed and a weighing balance was brought. Sri Krishna sat on one side of the weighing balance. Sathyabama, one of the wives of Sri Krishna, brought all her gold and placed it on the other pan. But the pan of Sri Krishna remained lower. More gold, silver, diamonds were added to the pan but still the pan of Sri Krishna weighed more. The wives had no more material possessions left. Then Rukmini, another of Sri Krishna’s wives, removed all gold, silver, diamonds from the pan and with prayers placed a single Tulsi leaf (B

Story of Origin of Chitragupta in Hinduism

Chitragupta is believed to be the keeper of the account books containing the good and bad deeds performed by human beings on earth. Yamraj decides whether a person should go to heaven or hell consulting the book prepared by Chitragupta. There are two interesting story regarding the origin of Chitragupta. One story states that Goddess Parvati one day asked Brahma to create a person who will keep an account of the activities of living beings. It is said that Braham then drew the picture of Chitragupta on a wood and then gave life to it. This story is more popular in South India . Here he is depicted with a nail (narayam) and palm leaf. The nail is used to write on palm leaf. Another story which is popular in North India , Chitragupta was born from the body of Lord Brahma. He is always depicted as carrying a pen and inkpot. Since he was born from the body of Lord Brahma, he was known as Kayastha and in earth he was known as Chitragupta.

Karana in Hindu Astrology and Panchang

A Karana is half a tithi. There are thirty tithis in a Hindu lunar month – thus there are 60 half tithis or Karanas in astrology and Panchang. Seven Karanas occur eight times during a lunar month. There are four Karanas that are constant. Thus there are a total of 11 Karanas. The seven Karanas that occur eight times in a lunar month are Bava, Balava, Kanlava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija, Vishti. These Karanas recur from the second day of the waxing phase of moon till the first half of the 14 th day of the waning phase of moon. These are known as chara or movable. The four karanas that are constant (sthira) are: Shakuni – it is assigned to the second half of the 14 th day of Krishna Paksha in certain regions. Chatushpada – assigned to the first of Amavasya Naga – assigned to the second half of Amavasya in certain regions Kimstughna – assigned to the first half of the first day of the Waxing phase of moon. It must be noted that Shakuni and Naga are not used

Kalarupi Shiva - This Form of Shiva Gave Birth To Rashi and Nakshatras - Kalarupi Hara

Kalarupi Shiva appeared at the Daksha Yajna where Sati had self immolated . The appearance of Kalarupi Shiva is mentioned in Vamana Purana . Kalarupi Shiva is also known as Kalarupi Hara. This form of Shiva is more associated with astrology and it is stated that the entire zodiacal belt or Rashi in the sky are the body parts of Shiva. The yajna or sacrifice was afraid of the form that Shiva took to annihilate Daksha. Yajna took the form a deer and flew up into the sky along with Dakshina his consort. Seeing Yajna fleeing, a half of Shiva took the form of Kalarupi Shiva and chased it. While chasing, Shiva aimed the Pasupata arrow ( Pashupata Astra ) at Yajna. Kalarupi Hara hit the deer form of Yajna with the Pasupata arrow and the shattered parts of the deer became Nakshatras or stars.

Sri Krishna Bisa Kavach and Yantra – Benefits

Sri Krishna Bisa Kavach is worn by people for attaining material prosperity, peace, and fulfillment of desires. Srikrishna Bisa Yantra is kept at home and is worshipped for wealth and happiness. The Kavach as per astrologers is made during shubh muhurat (rare auspicious time period in a year). Mantras for auspiciousness are chanted and the Pran Pratishta is performed by priests. Benefits of Sri Krishna Bisa Yantra Sri Krishna Bisa Yantra helps a person to improve his personality, it helps in building self confidence and provides with wisdom to deal with tricky situations. The belief is that one will be able to develop a character similar to that of Sri Krishna, who was able to overcome all challenges. Srikrishna Bisa Yantra is kept in puja room and is worshiped morning and evening. Before going out of home for important assignments one should take the blessing of the Yantra. The kavach should be tied on thread around the neck and it should be worn always.

Bhagavata Purana Quotes - A Collection of Teachings From Srimad Bhagavata Purana

A Collection of quotes and teachings from Srimad Bhagavata Purana In this world, you should realize that we should not become inordinately attached to anyone or anything. When the body which we think is ours; when even this has to be abandoned when we leave this world, what then can one say about one’s sons and one’s wife? Alone we come to this world and alone we walk the road to dusty death. Alone, man earns ‘punya’ and again, alone, man earns ‘papa’ also. Wealth which a man has earned by unrighteous means is taken away from him by his enemies who come in the shape of his sons and his dear ones and near ones! The man who guards such wealth which is earned unrighteously, is indeed, a fool. He is never happy since he has done wrong. He does not enjoy the wealth either. Use your intellect; control the wayward mind and try to maintain a neutral state of mind wherein you will be able to treat all things alike; where there is no feeling of mine and thine.  (Source – an