In Hinduism, people often complain about pujas being not
effective. The real reason for this is that in pujas they do not make the
offering of five important items. Apart from diya and flowers these items are essential. The five items are:
- Milk
- Curd
- Ghee
- Honey
- Misri (Rock Candy or Kalkandam) (instead of misri you can use sugarcane juice).
The five items are together known as Panchamrit.
It is widely believed that the puja is incomplete if the
five items are not part of the offering.
The reason is that three items– milk, curd, and ghee – are
provided by the cow, which is the abode of various gods and goddesses. Honey is
a natural and pure offering. So too is rock candy or sugarcane juice.
When these five combine, it becomes Amrit – elixir, that
which can purify and give rebirth.
Not just the above said five items, all puja ingredients
should be natural. Unnatural items should not be part of puja.
Please note that the above said items are not to be included in daily puja but during special pujas and ceremonies.
Please note that the above said items are not to be included in daily puja but during special pujas and ceremonies.
Diyas using Ghee – Importance of lighting lamp using Ghee in Hindu Religion