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Showing posts from September 19, 2022

Navratri Colours 2024 With Date – 9 Dress Colors To Wear During Nine Days Of Navratri 2024

During the nine days of Navratri there is a custom of wearing 9 different colour dress – Sarees (Saree) and Churidar. There are 9 different Navratri colours in 2024. Information on what are the Navratri colours 2024 (September - October) usually appears a couple of days before in local Gujarati and Marathi newspapers. This is the latest information regarding the nine colors of Navratri in 2024 with date. The colors are not followed during Chaitra Navratri (March - April). The nine Navratri colors for 2024 are: Pratipada - October 3, 2024 (Thursday) -  Yellow    Dwitiya - October 4, 2024 (Friday) -  Green     Tritiya -  October 5, 2024 (Saturday ) -  Grey  Tritiya - October 6, 2024 (Sunday) -  Orange   Chaturthi -  October 7, 2024 (Monday ) -  White     Panchami -  October 8, 2024  (Tuesday) -   Red   Sashti - October 9, 2024 (Wednesday)  -   Blue (Royal Blue) Saptami - October 10, 2024 (Thursday)  - Pink Ashtami - October 11, 2024 (Friday) -   Purple Navami - October 12

Jaimini Sutra Bhashya Of Sri Vallabhacharya

Jaimini Sutra Bhashya is a commentary on Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini of Sri Vallabhacharya. Sri Vallabhacharya is the founder of Pushtimarg and the corresponding school of philosophy known as Shuddhadvaita. This commentary is now lost, and the very fact of its composition is very much in dispute among scholars within Pushtimarg. No copies of such a manuscript exist in Pushtimarg libraries, and no commentaries, even fragmentary, exist on it by either Vitthalnath or Purushottama (1668 – 1725 CE), seventh in descent from Vallabhacharya, the best known and most highly regarded commentator in the sect, who wrote commentaries on all of Vallabhacharya’s work. On the other hand, it is not impossible that a major work, which was then known and about which rumor has persisted for centuries, was lost during the chaotic first two decades after Vallabhacharya’s death in 1531 CE. There was a good deal of tension and family dispute until the accession of Vitthalnath in 1550 CE., following the death

Mithuna Rashi 2023 Predictions – Mithuna Rasi 2023 Rashifal Moon Sign Predictions

As per Mithuna Rashi 2023 predictions, people born in this rasi will face delays, stoppages and unexpected problems in health or career. As per 2023 Rashifal, Mithuna Rashi people should constantly worship Lord Vishnu and chant ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’ mantra. March, June, October, and December 2023 are good months. January, April, July and September 2023 will be neither good nor bad. February, May, August and November 2023 are bad months. You will not be happy with career progress especially promotion, salary hike and future of your career. Those giving interviews and exams need to be extra careful. New job seekers will find it tough in the initial period. Business people might face sudden slump or collapse. Transfer to a place not of your choice. Those working alone or self employed will see major gains in first part of the year. The year might start with unexpected expenditures. You can expect some damage to property or vehicle due to accidents or natural calamities. Loans wil

Tirumala Brahmotsavam 2024 Dates - TTD Tirupati Balaji Temple Annual Festival Schedule in 2024

The annual Brahmotsavam in Tirumala Tirupati Balaji temple is the most important temple festival conducted by TTD. Tirumala Navarathri Brahmotsavam 2024 dates are October 3 to October 12, 2024. The detail schedule of each vahana during Tirupati Brahmotsavam by TTD is given below. During the nine-days of the Brahmotsavams, Sri Venkateswara will be taken in procession around the temple in different Vahanas (special decorated Vehicles based on Vishnu legends). There will be special Unjal Seva during the period. The most important day during the festival is Garuda Vahanam procession takes place more than 100,000 devotees assemble to witness the all important festival procession. Tirumala Navarathri Brahmotsavam Dates - Schedule October 3, 2024  – Ankurarpanam, Senathipathi Utsavam (Evening) October 4 , 2024  – Dwajarohanam (Morning) Pedda Sesha Vahanam (Evening) October 5 , 2024   – Chinna Sesha Vahanam (Morning) Hamsa Vahanam (Evening) October 6 , 2024  – Simha Vahanam (M

Durva Grass And Kurma Avatar Of Bhagavan Vishnu

There are some popular stories associated with Durva Grass and Bhagwan Vishnu in Hinduism. One such story connects the origin of the Durga grass with the Kurma Avatar of Vishnu Bhagavan. During the famous incident of the churning of ocean or samudra manthan in the Puranas, Mountain Manthara was used as the churning rod and it was supported at the base by the Kurma Avatar (tortoise incarnation) of Bhagavan Vishnu. The churning resulted in the rubbing off of a few hairs from Kurma avatar. The rubbed hairs were cast ashore by the waves and on land they took the form of Durva grass. It also believed that Durva grass appeared when amrut or elixir of life fell from the pot of Mohini avatar of Vishnu on earth. Yet another legend has it that Durva grass appeared when the perspiration of Bhagavan Vishnu fell on earth. Durva grass, known as Bermuda grass in English, doob or Harialil in Hindi, and arugam pullu in Tamil, is held highly auspicious by Hindus. It is offered without inner shoot

Tatvarthdip Nibandh Of Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya

Tatvarthdip Nibandh, also written as Tattvartha Deepa Nibandha, is an independent treatise in three sections, in mixed prose and verse by Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya. Sri Vallabhacharya is the founder of Pushtimarg and the corresponding school of philosophy known as Shuddhadvaita. The three sections of Tatvarthdip Nibandh are called Shastrarth, Sarva Nirnaya and Bhagavatartha. In the first two sections Vallabhacharya argues, through massive use of citation, for a unified textuality of Krishna bhakti,Upanishads and Purva Mimamsa. He defines and classifies his terms, systematizes his principles, describes the nature of incarnation, of eligibility for higher knowledge, and much more. The Shastrarth Prakarana section gives Vallabhacharya’s views on much of the material contained in the Bhagavad Gita. Though it is not a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, very early in the text Vallabhacharya states that the Bhagavad Gita embodies the words and teachings of Sri Krishna; therefore it is

Vakyartha Smriti In Hindu Religion

In Hindu religion, Vakyartha Smriti literally means the understanding and smriti (recollection) of  the artha (meaning) of vakya (a sentence). Vakyartha smriti is interpreted differently by different schools of philosophy. Some take it as just the putting together of the meaning associated with the subject part (uddeshya) and the predicate part (vidheya) of a sentence. According to grammarians, vakyartha is the comprehensive sense conveyed by putting together grammatically all the words in the sentence. Here, by smriti is meant the flash which strikes the mind when the sentence has been fully uttered. Mimamsa philosophy takes it as the complexity o the meanings conveyed by all the words. According to it, the shakti (power) represented by the words makes the sentences properly understood. Nyaya philosophy goes a step further and relates the word Vakyartha smriti to the recollection of the intended sense through the theory of ‘logical comparison’ (anumana) and the identification of

Vrishabha Rashi 2023 Predictions – Vrishabha Rashifal Moon Sign Predictions 2023

As per Vrishabha Rashi 2023 predictions the year will bring good result in the first six months and later period will be of mixed luck. As per 2023 Vrishabha Rashifal, people in this Rasi will do good in the field of business this year. February, May, June and September 2023 are good months. January, April, August and December 2023 will be neither good nor bad. March, July, October and November 2023 are bad months. Those looking for new job will be able to get one this year. You will be able to perform well in exams and interviews. First five months are good for job change. You might be forced to quit a job due to technological change or problems with management. A colleague of opposite sex might cause some harm to your reputation and career. There will be financial progress in February. Good year to buy new home or for renovation. Investments made in property in this year will be helpful. Vehicle, new loans and money lent will cause damage. You will show interest in spirituality, puja

Valakhilya Hymns In Rig Veda

Valakhilya or Balakhilya are a group of eleven suktas or hymns occurring in the eight mandala of Rig Veda. Valakhilya suktas contain eighty verses or riks. In Balakhilya,the sukta containing the largest number of riks finds, first place, and suktas with lesser number of riks follow. The only exception is the eleventh sukta, which has seven mantras. It should have been placed earlier. In arranging these suktas, the order of deities, too, seems to have been taken into consideration. Since there is no sukta in praise of Agni, the suktas in praise of Indra are placed first, then those addressed to other deities. Thus, suktas one to six belong to the Indra group; suktas seven and eight are called Danastuti, and are without reference to any deity; deity of the ninth hymn is Ashwin, and that of the tenth is Vishwadeva. Deities of the ninth and tenth suktas have not been mentioned by the author of Brihad Devata. This fact suggests that these hymns were not a part of Valakhilya at that time

Sumantra In Ramayana – Minister Of King Dasaratha Of Ayodhya

Sumantra in Ramayana is one of the eight ministers of King Dasaratha of Ayodhya. Sumantra was very close to Dasaratha, who placed full confidence in him. Valmiki describes him as the ‘best of ministers’ as well as ‘wise in counsel’. It was on his advice that Dasaratha decided to bring the Sage Rishyasringa, son of Vibhandak, to perform the Asvamedha Yajna. In the narrative by Valmiki, when Kaikeyi thwarts the plans of king Dasaratha to make Rama the crown prince, it is Sumantra who goes out to fetch Rama into the king’s presence. Rama, who knew nothing of Kaikeyi’s designs, exclaims – “What a happy augury that the king, in consultation with his beloved consort, has sent as a messenger Sumantra, who is ever intent on furthering my wishes.” (Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, Canto XV). Sumantra swoons as Rama affirms his resolve to go to the forest despite his father’s pleadings. His anger swelling up, Sumantra rails at Kaikeyi, alternately pleading and berating. He tells her – you wi

Thirupuram Sree Mahadeva Temple – Festival – Sreekovil With Three Shivlings

Thirupuram Sree Mahadeva temple is located at Tirupuram in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. The 10-day annual festival in the temple concludes on the Mahashivratri day in Kumbha Masam. This is an ancient temple in the region and has a long history. The shrine has a square sanctum sanctorum with three Shivlings. The temple has a pond, kodimaram and an unusually long entrance structure. The pratishta in the temple is known Trayalingam. As per legend Shiva appeared in the region after annihilating the Tripurasura with his third eye. The swayambhu murti of Shiva was so ferocious that it was impossible to go near it. Then the Shakti of Shiva was divided into three Shiva Lingas and consecrated. The annual festival is famous for vilakku, Kerala temple art forms, fireworks and caparisoned elephants. Mondays and Pradosham days are of importance in the temple.

What Is Subodhini Of Vallabhacharya?

Subodhini of Vallabhacharya is a commentary on the first, second, third, tenth and part of the eleventh cantos of Srimad Bhagavata Purana.Vallabhacharya is the founder of Pushtimarg and the corresponding school of philosophy known as Shuddhadvaita. Subodhini is the most esoteric and popular of Vallabhacharya’s long works and is also, the most prameya oriented, indicating God Himself, ‘that which is to be measured or proved.’ Subodhini examines Bhagavata according to levels of interpretation closer or more precise than those employed in Bhagavatarthaprakarana – sentence (vakya), word (pada) and syllable (akshara). In both Anubhashya and Subodhini, Vallabhacharya emphasizes the connection between aesthetic theory and religious practice and experience, but in this text he analyses the aesthetics of devotional experience according to the tenets of Alankara Shastra, the classical Hindu science of aesthetics.

Mesha Rashi 2023 Predictions – Mesh Rashi 2023 Rashifal Moon Sign Predictions

Mesha Rashi 2023 horoscope predictions - rashifal. According to Hindu moon Astrology, in the year 2023 Mesh Rashi will face difficulties in career and financial matters. There will be stability in relationship matters. January, March, August and December 2023 are good months for Mesha Rashi. April, June, September and November 2023 are both good and bad. February, May, July and October 2023 are bad months. You can expect sudden reversal in career matters. New jobs will be difficult. Those who have finished interviews or exams will see inordinate delays and problems. A jealous colleague might create some problem. You will see change of fortune in career matters with change in management or new policy. Good year for those doing business related to paper, electronic items and export. There will be exciting prospects for freelancers and self employed. You money might get blocked for a long period of time. You will face unwanted expenditure and theft of valuables. Property and house related

Dreaming Of Bugs – Meaning

Dreaming of bugs is a negative sign as per dream interpretation and meaning. The dream means you will face sudden troubles in life. Spiritual meaning of dreaming of bugs is that you will be unaware about a problem and you will only notice it when it has become a serious issue. Dreams of bug also mean you will face cheating from someone you trusted. Dream of bugs on the floor or in forest means you will be forced to visit places that are infested with bugs. It also means travel or trek to a location away from town or city life. Dreaming of bugs on your body is a sign of unexpected problems in life. You will not even realize about them until it is pointed out by someone else. Dreams of bugs on someone else mean you will witness something gruesome. Dream of bugs and you know the place means you need to remain alert as there are problems building up at workplace or at home.

Dreaming Of Opening A Gate – Meaning

Dreaming of opening a gate is both positive and negative as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will get opportunity to prove your talent and there will be change of luck. But if you are scared or terrified in the dream means you will invite trouble through an action of yours in near future. Dreams of opening a gate means you need to be careful about all your actions and need to keep your senses in control and take proper decisions. Dream of opening a gate and you are not seen in the dream means an action of another person will bring trouble to you. It also means your instructions will not be followed properly resulting in damage. Dreaming of opening a gate and you are seen in the dream means you will decide to take risk to achieve something you always wanted. Dreams of opening gate in an unknown place means getting trapped in a place for a short period but finally you will find a way out.

The Right Attitude Towards The World

The world consists of pairs of opposites, called dvandvas: pleasure and pain, happiness and misery, heat and cold, praise and blame, gain and loss, victory and defeat, and so on. Human nature is to get attached to the pleasant and have aversion to the painful. But it is an unpleasant and uncomfortable fact that if we get attached to one the other comes uninvited; it is a package deal. A bhakta, however, has a clear conception of the God-soul-universe triad and is able to see the world in perspective. Not all problems in the world have solutions; nor do they have rational explanations. From the non-dual perspective, the world is but a dream that will break on the dawn of Self-knowledge. Considering that it is sublated on Self-realization, it is not eternal. It is also a source of misery, since worldly pleasure is of the rajasic variety, which is like nectar in the beginning (due to the contact of the sense organs with their objects), but poison at the end, when one stands sapped of al

Dreaming Of Umqombothi - Meaning

Dreaming of u mqombothi is seen as sign of happiness and merry making in future as per dream interpretation and meaning. Seeing intoxicating drink in dream is associated with desire fulfillment. It also means getting into trouble when you are not in your senses. Dreams of u mqombothi means regretting something you had done and wished it had not happened. After dream of u mqombothi you can expect to be invited to a traditional event. You might also participate in party. Dreaming of u mqombothi and you feeling aversion or hate means you will be attacked physically during a party or while with a group. Dream of u mqombothi and you are happy means you will see happy occasions soon. There will return of people or entry of someone new to your life. Please note that a dream to have meaning it should take place without any influence of day activities. If you had an intense moment on the day involving u mqombothi and then seeing a dream has no meaning.

Dreaming Of Mother’s Death – Meaning

Dreaming of mother’s death is a warning sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will soon difficult situation in life due to sudden problems in family. It also means death of a person in the family. Dreams of mother’s death also mean sudden health issues to mother. Dream of mother’s death and you are not seen in the dream means there will be some serious troubles to your family members especially in your absence. It also means to avoid journeys when someone is facing health issues in the family. Dreaming of mother’s death and you are seen in the dream means facing tragedy in life alone. It also means help will not arrive at the appropriate time. Dreams of mother’s death and you wake up to realize it was a dream means your fears might come true soon. Please note that most often such dreams are the result of negative thinking during the day time. A dream to have meaning it should happen without the influence of any time activity.

Dreaming Of Movie – Meaning

Dreaming of movie is a kind of warning as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you are not living in reality. You need to focus on reality and stop going after silly things which adds no real value to life. Dreams of movie also mean fresh ideas and progress in the field of art and craft. Dream of movie is associated with lethargy and easy going attitude. It means soon you will get into problems and will be clueless on how to face them. Dreaming of emotional movie about relationships means you will get into bad relationships or an existing relationship might face issues. Dreaming of violent movie is a sign of insecurity and problems in future. It means you might face physical violence. It also means convincing yourself that you can do the impossible. Dream of scary movie means you will face emotional issues and will take refuge in rituals to solve problems. It also means believing fantasy and superstitions to be true. Please note that dream of movie generally

26 September 2022 Tithi – Panchang – Hindu Calendar – Good Time – Nakshatra – Rashi

Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, 26 September 2022 – It is Shukla Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day during the waxing or light phase of moon in Hindu calendar and Panchang in most regions. It is Amavasya tithi or the no moon day till 3:24 AM on September 26. Then onward it is Shukla Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day during the waxing or light phase of moon till 3:22 AM on September 27. (Time applicable in all north, south and eastern parts of India. All time based on India Standard Time.  Good – Auspicious time on September 26, 2022 as per Hindu Calendar – Good and auspicious time on the entire day.  Nakshatra  – Uttara Phalguni or Uthiram nakshatra till 6:02 AM on September 26. Then onward it is Hasta or Atham nakshatra till 7:33 AM on September 27. (Time applicable in north, south and eastern parts of India).  In western parts of India (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, north Karnataka and south Rajasthan), Uttaraphalguni or Uthiram nakshatra till 5:55