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Showing posts from February 17, 2019

Sonagiri Hill – Associated With Jainism

Sonagiri is a hill range is Madhya Pradesh associated with Jainism. It is around 45 km from Jhansi. Sonagiri means golden peak hill and is sacred to the Digambara sect of Jainism. There are 77 Jaina temples along the hill and its slopes, and 16 at foothills, covering an area over 130 acres. The site was known as Ranagiri in ancient times. The construction of the temples started around 13 th century AD and continued till the 17 th century AD. Temple 57 is the most important one, as it is dedicated to Lord Chandranatha, the eighth of the twenty four Tirthankaras (Jaina Saints), who attained samavasarana (salvation) here. An 11-foot-high idol made of black granite of the Lord is found in the sanctum. The temple has an attractive artistic spire. Idols of Sitalanath and Parshvanath are installed within the temple complex. A 43-foot high manastambh (column of dignity) is also found. Many Jaina ascetics attained salvation on Sonagiri hills, including Cintagati, Purnacanda,