Rahu Ketu Peyarchi is related to Tamil astrology and horoscope and is the transit of Rahu and Ketu – two of the Navagrahas whose planetary movements are important in astrological calculations. Rahu Ketu transit 2025 date is May 20, 2025 at 3:31 PM as per Krishnamurti Panchangam. As per Vakya Panchangam it is on April 26, 2025.
Rahu will move from Meena Rashi to Kumbha Rashi. Ketu will mover from Kanya Rasi to Simha Rashi for next one-and-half years.
Rahu Graha and Ketu Graha when placed in appropriate houses in a person’s horoscope is said to be highly beneficial. Some astrologers are also of the opinion that when they enter the wrong house in a horoscope they can create problems.
Those people who believe in astrology perform special pujas and rituals in Navagraha temples on the day to attain benefits and to stay away from troubles.