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Showing posts from January 26, 2019

Basti Cleansing In Yoga – Enema For Colon Cleansing

In Hatha Yoga, basti is one of the six cleansing acts. As described in Hatha Yoga Pradipika (II. 26), Yoga experts practiced basti in a river with water reaching upto the navel. It is a highly effective enema for colon cleansing. Bansi Enema Process A tube such as a lotus stalk would be inside the rectum, while standing in the waist pose (Utkatasana), bending the knees slightly, keeping the hands pressed on the knees. After a deep expiration the student performed nauli madhyama by pulling the abdominal wall back and isolating the abdominal recti with a slight push below the navel, keeping the wall of the abdomen relaxed. This created a vacuum inside the abdominal cavity, due to which water was sucked inside the rectum through the tube. Thus basti is a sort of yogic enema in which water rushes up to the caecum from where the colon begins. After two or three repetitions, nearly half a liter of water can be sucked in. Then the tube may be taken out, and after rolling t

Bandha In Hinduism – Teaching On Bondage

Bandha in Hinduism is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘bandh’ meaning bond, fetter or tie. The meaning of Bandha is bondage and is used to describe the existential state of being who is in the grip of subject-object relation and thereby undergoes the continuous cycle of births and deaths, i.e. samsara. Bandha in Hindu religion refers to the individual self who always thinks in terms of subject and object, and thereby is subjected to birth and rebirth. It is in this sense that the world bandha is translated as knot, bondage or slavery, etc. The ultimate aim of the human being, therefore, is to liberate itself from the bandha of duality and realize its inherent unity which is moksha. In Yoga Darshana of Sage Patanjali, Bandha is the self’s identification with the mental fluctuations caused by avidya (ignorance), asmita (egoism) and abhinivesha (attachment to oneself resulting in clinging to bodily enjoyments and the fear that one might be cut off from all of them by dea

Brahma Sutras in Hinduism - Importance

Brahma Sutras are aphorisms or sayings which systematize the teaching of the Upanishads. Badrayana is believed to be the author of the Brahma Sutras and it is also known as Shariraka Sutra and Vedanta Sutras. Brahma Sutras 544 (according to Sri Ramanuja) in number occupies the foremost position of authority in the system of Vedanta. Badarayana - Veda Vyasa Author of Brahma Sutras Brahma Sutras attempt to formulate, elaborate and defend the philosophy of the Upanishads. There is also a widespread belief that the author of Brahma Sutras Badarayana is but Veda Vyasa. Numerous Commentaries on Brahma Sutras It is believed that there were several commentaries on the Brahma Sutras even before Adi Shankaracharya. The earliest commentary available now is that of Adi Shankara but Shankaracharya himself mentions about several other ancient sages and learned men talking about the Brahma Sutras. Some of the ancient commentaries of Brahma Sutras include that of Adi Shankaracharya

Balaki in Vedas – The Great Dialogue on Brahman Between Gargya Balaki and Ajatashatru

Balaki, also known as Gargya Balaki, is a name occurring in the Vedas. He was the son of Balaka of the Gargya family of rishis. Famous incident in Hindu scriptures narrate how Gargya Balaki was humbled by King Ajatashatru in debate. This debate is found in the chapter II of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. Name of Balaki occurs in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter II, Jaiminiya Brahmana (I.337), Sankhayana Aranyaka (VI.1, 3-10, 18, 19) and Kausitaki Upanishad (II.1). Balaki Gargya traveled through many places like Usinara, Matsya, Kurupanchala, Kashi and Videha. He conducted debates in all these places. He considered himself to be knower of Supreme Truth. During his travel Balaki reached the palace of Ajatashatru, the king of Kashi. The Great Dialogue on Brahman Between Gargya Balaki and Ajatashatru One day Balaki approached Ajatashatru and said, “I shall teach you all about Brahman.” The king was highly pleased and happy that he got an opportunity to know more about Brah

Quotes and Teachings on Hindu Concept of Maya Or Illusion

This is a collection of quotes and teachings on the Hindu concept of Maya or illusion. All visible things are ‘maya.’ Maya will vanish through the effect of knowledge (jnana). One must strive to get rid of maya, which devastates the mind; the destruction of the mind (manas) means the annihilation of maya. Meditation is the only way in which to dominate maya. Maya is tempting you in a variety of ways. The fisherman puts a little bait on the hook. It is not out of love for the fish that he does so. It is not out of compassion. It is not to appease the hunger of the fish. His motive is to catch the fish. The fishes on account of their desire to eat jump towards the hook. They are killed. A hunter spreads a net and throws a few grains. It is not to feed the birds, but in order to catch them and to kill them. Even so, Maya wants to catch the poor Jiva. Therefore, She has put a little bit of polish, a little pleasure-coating in the objects. The objects are pleasure cen