Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga is an auspicious time period as per Hindu calendar and panchang. If the yoga is present at the beginning of an auspicious event like buying, opening, meeting, interview etc, it destroys any bad time or yoga present at that time. Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga ensures success.
The Yoga is looked by people believe in astrology, especially when they you have to travel or make a new beginning and there is no auspicious time.
How Is Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga Calculated?
The day is Sunday and if the following nakshatras are present Hasta (Atham), Pushya (Poosam or Pooyam), Ashlesha (Ayilyam), Uttara Phalguni (uthram), Uttara shada (Uthradam) and Uttara Bhadra (Uthrattathi).
For Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga to be present the following conditions should be met:
A particular nakshatra in the list of 27 nakshatras in Hindu astrology should be present on the day.
For example if Rohini Nakshatra is present on Monday or Somvar then there is a Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga. The yoga begins with sunrise on Monday and ends when Rohini nakshatra ends.
- Monday – Mrigashira (Makayiram), Rohini, Pushya (Pooyam or Poosam), Anuradha (Anizham) or Shravan (Thiruvonam)
- Tuesday – Ashwini (Ashwathy), Krittika (Kartika), Pushya, Anuradha or Shravan
- Wednesday – Vishakha, Anuradha, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira and Hasta
- Thursday – Pushya, Ashwini, Punarvasu (Punartham), Anuradha or Revathi
- Friday – Revathi, Ashwini, Punarvasu, Anuradha or Shravan
- Saturday – Rohini, Swati (Chothi) or Shravan.
- Sunday – Hasta (Atham), Pushya (Poosam or Pooyam), Ashlesha (Ayilyam), Uttara Phalguni (uthram), Uttarashada (Uthradam) and Uttara Bhadra (Uthrattathi).
Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga occurs more than 5 times in a month.