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Showing posts from April 14, 2007

Bhagavad Gita for Visually Impaired and Blind People

The Braille version of Bhagavad Gita has been developed by the International School of Bhagavad Gita, Trivandrum . The spiritual institution is headed by Swami Sandeepa Chaitanya, who is noted for his unique interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita. The two-volume unabridged version is in Malayalam Braille. According to Swami Sandeep Chaitanya, this is the first ever Braille version of the Gita and it was developed with the help of the ‘Association of Blind’ and software experts. Speaking to the PTI swami said "It is interesting to note that the Gita opens with Sanjaya describing the scene of the epic Kurukshetra war to the blind king Dhritarashtra. So, it is fair that visually impaired persons in our time should not miss an opportunity to read and grasp this eternal work." "When you go through the Gita, you can see how precisely and graphically Sanjaya describes every minute detail of the scene to a blind person, for him to catch comprehensively in his mind,&q

Villagers Parading Bones and Corpses on Bengali New Year

Major newspapers around the world reported about a horrific ritual of parading bones and corpses in a village in West Bengal . According to Reuters, the ritual is called the ‘Naramundo Khela’ (Skull Game) and only takes place in Sona Palasi Village , which is around 165 km west of Kolkata. The ritual is dedicated to Lord Shiva and marks the beginning of Bengali New Year. As part of the festival, some villagers carrying skulls and daggers danced to rhythmic drum beats with their bodies covered with white ash and spotted with red and green paints as around 2,000 other people watched. Police have confirmed about the ritual taking place and they are investigating the case. Environmental and social activists have come out against this horrific ritual. The report first appeared in Reuters and was later published in newspapers around the world. Till now, none of the Indian newspapers have reported about the ritual. (No idea whether it is being reported in the regional newspap