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Showing posts from June 9, 2021

Dvipada Bharatamu In Telugu – Rendering Of Mahabharata In Couplet

Dvipada Bharatamu in Telugu is a rendering of the Mahabharata in a dvipada or couplet meter. It is the reproduction of the famous Kavitraya Bhartamu or Kavithrayam of the poet trinity of Nannaya, Tikkana and Erana by Battepati Timmaya (1500-1600 CE), Bala Saraswati (1500-1600 CE), and Atukuri Somana (1600-1650 CE). Dvipada is an indigenous meter in couplet form. The poet trio belonged to the Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. Timmaya has reproduced six chapters or parvas of the epic: Adi Parva to Drona Parva. Bala Saraswati has authored Sabha Parva only. The third poet Somana completed the rest of the other parvas adding some more stories. Interestingly, he has attributed this parva to Timmaya. By and large, the poet trio followed Kavitraya Bharatamu. Among them Timmaya occupies a prominent place and describes many interesting incidents in a conversational style. Belonging to Prabandha period, he has given importance to descriptions. The narration of the prayer of the kiratas (the peo

Karumala Bhagavathy Temple

Karumala Bhagavathy temple is located at Karumala in Unnikulam Village on the Balussery – Thamarassery road in Kozhikode district, Kerala. The main deity worshipped in the temple is Shiva but importance is given to Goddess Bhagavathi who is also known as Karumala Maha Devi. The temple is one among the 108 Durga temples in Kerala. In Durga Kshetra Nama Stotravali, the temple is known as Karumapuram. Shiva faces east ad Bhagavathy faces west. Bhagavathy is looking at Shiva from the Manithoonu in the Mandapam. Legend has it that Bhagavathi worshipped here was brought from atop the Karumala hill. Another legend has it that the goddess was the upasana murti of a Chettiar. The Upa Devatas worshipped in the temple are Ganapathy, Vettakkorumakan and Dakshinamurti. The temple belonged to Panathur Illam.

Dasoha In Virashaivism

Dasoha in its literal sense means self-surrender but in the context of Virashaivism, it has gained a new connotation. Here is means ‘sharing the day’s meal with men of spirituality’. Virashaivism considers physical labor as sacred. A true follower of this faith should necessarily perform some duty to earn his living and to be self-sufficient. It is also laid down that out of what one earns by honest labor, one should set aside a portion for dasoha or the cause of the needy. Dasoha is also a special ritual in Virashaivism. It is prescribed as a sacred duty to feed religious men before a follower of the religion partakes of his daily meal. Only after he offers the food for dasoha that it becomes prasada (sanctified food). The food taken as prasada can purify the body and hence the body turns out to be a (sanctified food) prasada kaya. Dasoha is not charity alone. It is discharge of the social responsibility of feeding the other members of the religious fraternity. Hence it is a rel

Anvitabhidhanavada Explained By Madhvacharya – Relation Between Words In Sentence

What denotes, in a sentence, the relation between the meanings of the words? Different schools have found different answers to this question. Sri Madhvacharya says that words do not denote mere meanings. They denote both their meanings and their relation with an appropriate meaning of another word in the sentence. Other words in the sentence clarify the appropriate thing. The clarification helps to make the sense complete. This view presents the simplest path in the process of words making complete sense.  The Madhwa School of philosophy has examined the theories of other schools and has shown their inadequacies.

Ashtagandha In Hindu Puja – Ingredients – Uses – Ashtagandham In Kerala

Ashtagandha are eight ingredients that have sweet smell and used in Hindu puja. The eight ingredients are combined to create a thick liquid and it is used in Hindu pujas. The ingredients found in Ashtagandham in Kerala are different from other places. Today Ashtagandha is commercially available in powder form. It is made into liquid or paste and used in Hindu rituals. Ashtagandha Ingredients The general ingredients of Ashtagandha are Agar or Akil, chandan, gulgulu, manchi, kumkum, kottam, iruveli and ramacham. When Ashtagandham is offered to Vishnu there is a slight change in the ingredients – chandan, akil, iruveli, kottam, kumkumam, ramacham, jadamanchi and muram are used. When Ashtagandha is offered to Shiva the ingredients are chandan, akil, karpur, manchi, iruveli, kumkumam, ramacham and kottam. When Ashtagandham is offered to Bhagavathi or Devi (Mother Goddess) the ingredients are chandan, akil, karpooram, kachooram, kumkumam, gorochana, jadamanchi and rakta chandan.

Dreaming Of Ex Friend – Meaning

Dreaming of ex friend is a good dream. It means new good friendship, new relationship, and help from others. It also means career progress or new job through acquaintances. Dreaming of simply seeing ex friend means you will have get-together, function or happy occasion in family. Seeing dream of ex friend is a strange place means you need to take risk and explore new ideas. It also means you will have opportunity to travel. Dreaming of ex friend of opposite sex means you will rebel against family. You will soon fight for freedom from your present life. You might even decide to run away from home. Dreaming of fighting with ex friend means you might miss opportunity due to over thinking. You will regret having not taken the plunge. Here are some more common interpretations dream of ex friend: Unresolved Issues : Dreams about an ex-friend might indicate unresolved feelings or conflicts. This could be an opportunity for you to process and reflect on what happened and why the friend

Maha Lakshmi Mantra For Beauty

Goddess Lakshmi is on the popular deities in Hindu religion. This form of Mother Goddess blesses a person with peace, prosperity and material wealth. Goddess Lakshmi is also worshipped for physical beauty. This Maha Lakshmi mantra is chanted for beauty and to overcome physical deformities. Maha Lakshmi Mantra For Beauty यत्कटाक्षसमुपासनाविधिः सेवकस्य सकलार्थसम्पदः। सन्तनोति वचनाङ्गमानसैः त्वां मुरारिहृदयेश्वरीं भजे॥ Yatkadakshasmritpasnavihi sevakasya skalarthsampth Snatnothi vchanadgmanse tvam murarihrideshvarim bhaje. The mantra should be chanted every Thursday during the pradosh period (a hour before sunset). Wear yellow color dress and offer prayers to Goddess Lakshmi. Apply chandan and turmeric mix on the face. Then Chant the mantra 108 times. Wash the face once the mantra is finished. Perform this for 21 days.

Do Not Let Spiritual Practice Hinder Self Realization

Question: I am trying very hard in my practice but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Answer: This is very important. Don't try to get anywhere in the practice. The very desire to be free or to be enlightened will be the desire that prevents your freedom. You can try as hard as you wish, practice ardently night and day, but if it is still with the desire to achieve in mind, you will never find peace. The energy from this desire will cause doubt and restlessness. No matter how long or how hard you practice, wisdom will not arise from desire. So, simply let go. Watch the mind and body mindfully but don't try to achieve anything. Don't cling even to the practice or to enlightenment. Question: How much should I sleep? Answer: Don't ask me, I can't tell you. A good average for some is four hours a night. What is important, though, is that you watch and know yourself. If you try to go with too little sleep, the body will feel uncomfortable and mindfulness will

Paramkukhya Vritti Of Sri Madhvacharya – Power Of Words

Vrittis are powers of words to convey meaning. Sri Madhvacharya has put forward a new vritti and it is known as paramamukhya vritti. As per Madhwa School, paramamukhya vritti is of two kinds – mahayoga and mahayogarudhi. Factors that are responsible for using words to convey things are called pravritti nimitta. Independent authority is one such factor. A king is described as victorious when his army achieves a victory. Here the supreme authority of the king is responsible for such a statement. Here the vritti of the word is mahayoga. The presence of attributes in things in an infinite measure is another factor. The word purusha denoted parabrahman. The word means the above virtues. There are there in Him in an infinite measure. Here the vritti is mahayoga. In addition to this factor, if a word is widely used to denote a being, the vritti is mahayogarudhi. The word Narayana denotes Parabrahman by this vritti. The words which denote deficiencies and weaknesses in persons or things

16 June 2021 Tithi - Panchang - Hindu Calendar - Good Time - Nakshatra – Rashi

Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, 16 June 2021 – It is Shukla Paksha Sashti tithi or the sixth day during the waxing or light phase of moon in Hindu calendar and Panchang in most regions. It is Shukla Paksha Sashti tithi or the sixth day during the waxing or light phase of moon till 6:38 PM on June 16. Then onward it is Shukla Paksha Saptami tithi or the seventh day during the waxing or light phase of moon till 5:31 PM on June 17. (Time applicable in all north, south and eastern parts of India. All time based on India Standard Time.  Good – Auspicious time on June 16, 2021 as per Hindu Calendar – There is no good and auspicious time on the entire day.  Nakshatra  – Magha or Makam Nakshatra till 7:03 PM on June 16. Then onward it is Purva Phalguni or Pooram Nakshatra till 6:40 PM on June 17. (Time applicable in north, south and eastern parts of India).  In western parts of India (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, north Karnataka and south Rajasthan), Magha or Mak