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Showing posts from June 16, 2020

Om Sahana Vavatu – Prayer Meaning

The Shanti Mantra “Om Sahana Vavatu” is quite familiar to many people and is chanted at the beginning of study classes or any venture undertaken for learning. The mantra Om Sahana Vavatu. Sahanau bhunaktu. Saha veeryam karavaavahai Tejasvinaa vadhee tamastu maa vidvishavahai Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantih Meaning Om, may He protect us both (teacher and the taught). May He look after us both to enjoy (the fruits of scriptural study). May we both exert together (to find the true meaning of the sacred text). May our studies be fruitful so that we acquire lustre. May we never quarrel with each other. Om Peace! Peace!! Peace!!! Word Meaning Om – Symbol of the Pure Brahman, Saha – together, Nau – us both, Avatu – may he protect, Bhunaktu – may He look after (the fruits of spiritual study), Viryam – put in effort with enthusiasm, Karvavahai – exert together (to find the true meaning of sacred texts), Tejasvi – Lustrous, Adhiram – study, A

The concept of Panchakanya in Hinduism – Five Holy Virgins

Panchakanya is an important concept in Hinduism. Chanting the names of the Panchakanya, or five holy virgins, in the morning helps in sin redemption. The five virgins are Ahalya, Draupadi, Kunti, Tara and Mandodari. This concept is based on famous Sanskrit Chant: Ahalya Draupadi Kunti Tara Mandodari tatha Panchakanya smaranityam mahapataka nashaka (Ahalya, Draupadi, Kunti, Tara and Mandodari: constantly remembering these five virgins destroys greatest of troubles.) We all know that the above said five women are not virgins. Kanya here refers to daughters. How Panchakanya Helps in Sin Redemption? These five daughters suffered a lot. There was no end to their suffering. It is believed that they will be able to understand the pains of human beings better. So remembering them will help us in overcoming the troubles on earth. When we chant the shloka, we are remembered about their struggles. This will motivate us to overcome the pains we are facing on earth. These

Godavari River in Hinduism

Godavari, also known as Goda (cow given), Vriddhaganga (older Ganga) and Dakshinganga (Ganga of South), is an important river associated with Hinduism and it flows through Maharashtra, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It is mentioned as a holy river in the Purana, Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The river is not mentioned in the Vedas. Godavari River begins it journey at Nashik-Traymbak in Maharashtra, it flow eastwards, gets inflows from various tributaries and joins Bay of Bengal in two main streams, Gautami Godavari and Vashishtha Godavari. It is believed that there are seven forks of the river. Each is named after a sage in the Saptarishi list. Among the seven, three have disappeared. Story of Origin of Godavari River in Hinduism As per Puranas, there was severe drought for 12 years one earth. Sage Gautama was moved by the plight of living beings without water. The sage performed intense penance and propitiated Varuna, the God of the seas and water. Varuna gave Gautama a

Story Of Dwarf Gundodharan And His Hunger Blessed By Shiva

After the celestial wedding of Meenakshi (Goddess Parvati) and Sundareswarar (Lord Shiva) there was a sumptuous feast. All the people who attended the wedding were all praise for the rich delicacies served. The wedding feast also showed a divine leela of Shiva. He blessed his gana Gunddodharam with an insatiable hunger. The story symbolically shows that hunger of Shiva is also one of his destructive power. The master chef who prepared the feast had accepted Shiva to arrive with his large contingent of bhuta ganas. But Shiva only arrived with a small retinue. So much of food remained uneaten. So the chef asked Meenakshi the bride and queen of Madurai as to what should be done with the food. Meenakshi complained to Shiva that she was expecting a large entourage with him and prepared the feast accordingly. She wanted to know what should be done with the rich food. Shiva smiled and looked around and saw Gundodharan. He was a big-bellied dwarf who served as the attendant of

Human Body Is A City Of Many Doors As Per Hinduism

In the Vedas, the human body is described as a city of many doors. We only live in this city with many doors for a short period. The human body is the temple of God and the soul resides in it only temporarily. As the span of life is so short, we need to gain maximum benefit from these few years God has allotted us. Nine Doors in the Human Body There are nine doors in the body. These doors are the two eyes, two nostrils, two ears and the mouth. Seven out of the nine doors are present in the face, the other two doors are the genital organs and the anus. Five Organs of Perception and Five Organs of Action The five organs of perception are: they eyes to see, the ears to hear, the nose to smell, the tongue to taste and the skin to feel and touch. The five organs of action are: a mouth to speak, hands to work, feet to walk, the genital organs to procreate and the anus to excrete waste matter. The elements in the body vibrate in two different ways and have two specific func