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Showing posts from July 1, 2015

Pushkara in Hinduism

As per Hindu scriptures, Pushkara is the son of Varuna, the Hindu god of ocean, rain, water and the rivers. Pushkara performed intense austerities to please Shiva and Brahma . They gave a boon each. Brahma blessed him with residence in the waters in his Kamandalu (water pot). Shiva blessed him with Jala Tattva Siddhi. By virtue of the boons, Pushkara became the King of all Thirthas or sacred water bodies and was regarded as the Theerthapalaka or the keeper of the sacred waters. Pushkara is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Pushti’ meaning nourishment and ‘kara’ means one who conducts it. Thus pushkara is the energy that nourishes. Thus Pushkara in reference to sacred rivers means the one who energize the rivers and provide spiritual purification. Pushparaksha is also one of the names of Lord Vishnu and the meaning of the name is one with lotus eyes. The famous sacred water body in Tirumala temple is also known as Swami Pushkarini. Pushkar is also a famous pilgrim cent

Biggest Edition of Bhagavad Gita with Paintings by Srinivas Fine Arts

One of the biggest editions of Bhagavad Gita with illustration is published by Srinivas Fine Arts. The book contains translations and transliterations in Hindi and English. This is a neutral version of the scripture sans subjective views of any of the saints. The paintings are as per the guidelines of the Chitra Sutra of Vishnudarmottara Purana. The book is priced at Rupees 38,750.  Srinivas Fine Arts writes   This masterpiece has been crafted with the world's most precious eco-friendly materials. To preserve for generations, this special edition is printed on the finest paper sourced from the Sustainable European forests which is FSC certified and acid free. The entire edition is printed with environment friendly vegetable inks made of natural ingredients from Japan . The golden gilded fore-edges and the metal corners of this premium edition add a touch of class.

Chothi Nakshatram Female Characteristics – Chothi Birth Star Born Female Character

One of the most important characteristics of Chothi Nakshatra born female is that they will be humble. Another important character of the birth star is that they will not be interested in luxury items. Other Chothi Nakshatram Female Characteristics are given below: Will always be happy. Like a simple life. Will have fights and difference of opinion with relatives. Will be keen in borrowing money. Will always uphold high moral standards. Will stay away from home for long periods. Will not change the opinion they have once made.

Atham Nakshatram Female Characteristics – Atham Birth Star Born Female Character

One of the most important characteristics of Atham Nakshatra born female is that they will be of helpful nature. Another important character of the birth star is that they will even win over enemies with their loving nature . Other Atham Nakshatram Female Characteristics are given below: Will speak sweetly. Will be wealthy. Will stay away from home. Will be scholars. Will have good sex drive. Will have good patience. Will be interested in material things. Might be interested in doing small types of theft.

Uthram Nakshatra Female Characteristics – Uthiram Birth Star Born Female Character

One of the most important characteristics of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra born female will be loved by all. Another important character of the birth star is that they will be scholars. Other Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Female Characteristics are given below: Will be flexible in many matters. Will have a large-hearted. Will never forget those who have helped them. Will gain respect from relatives. Will have a good and peaceful life. Will always stand for justice. Will have good control over home. Will always be ready to help those in trouble.

Lessons from Maitrayaniya Upanishad

A king named Brihadratha, having established his son as the king and considering this body as impermanent became dispassionate and went into the forest. There he performed severe austerities and stood with uplifted arms gazing at the sun. At the end of a thousand days, the honourable knower of Atman, Shakayanya, blazing like fre without smoke, came near the ascetic. He said to Brihadratha, ‘Arise, arise, ask for a boon’. Brihadratha saluted Shakayanya and said, ‘O Revered sage, I don’t know the Self. We have heard that you know the Self. Please tell us about the Self.’ Shakayanya replied, ‘Such things were discussed in the past. This question is very difficult to answer, O Aikshvaka, ask some other desired thing.’ Touching the feet of Shakayanya with his head, Brihadratha uttered these words. O Revered sage, in this foul-smelling, inconsequential body, which is a mass of bones, skin, muscle, marrow, flesh, semen, blood, mucus, tears, rheum, feces, urine, wind, bil