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Showing posts from August 20, 2008

New Book – This IS No Secret – Explores the Wisdom of Mystics and Saints of India

The book ‘This is No Secret’- Path to Abundance and Heart Awakening by Joy Kapur claims that contains the essence of the wisdom of India’s ancient seers. It will give you insights and show you how to create abundance from anywhere, anytime and at any age. ‘This Is No Secret’ is an E-book in a downloadable PDF format. So, is it yet another book on the long list of books dealing with self-improvement, goal setting, positive thinking and wealth generating? Here is what the author says about the book The ancient Vedic seers believed that heart is the seat of consciousness and how it holds the key to manifesting your destiny. Heart is the most powerful antenna that receives and emits powerful vibrations known to the modern day scientist as the electro-magnetic field of the heart and how it is interconnected to world around us and its role in the interconnectedness to non-physical realm of mind, psyche and consciousness. This is not my knowledge. I became a conduit in the hand

Sudharma – The Sanskrit Newspaper Goes Online

Sudharma, the only Sanskrit daily newspaper in India , began its online version in June 2008. Started in 1970, Sudharma daily sells around 3000 copies through subscription. The internet version of Sudharma is aimed at reaching a wider audience. Published from Mysore , the only income generated by Sudharma is from the 250 rupees of annual subscription. By going online Sudharma is planning to attract advertisers, which is essential for the survival of the only Sanskrit daily. Like any other newspaper, Sudharma publishes daily news and happenings in Sanskrit. But importance is given to Sanskrit language and news related to the latest developments in Sanskrit. You can find the online version of Sudharma – the Sanskrit Daily here.