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Showing posts from November, 2022

Kundor Chamundi Theyyam – Information – Story

Kundor Chamundi Theyyam, also known as Kundora Chamundi, Kundadi Chamundi, Kundoor Chamundi ( à´•ുà´£്à´Ÿോà´± à´šാà´®ുà´£്à´¡ി , à´•ുà´£്à´Ÿാà´Ÿി à´šാà´®ുà´£്à´¡ി , à´•ുà´£്à´Ÿൂà´°് ‍ à´šാà´®ുà´£്à´¡ി) , is believed to the form in which Goddess Kali killed Darikasura. This is a powerful and ferocious theyyam part of the annual Thira – Kaliyattam festival mainly in Kannur and Kasaragod districts in Kerala. She a village deity and family deity. As per information, Kundor Chamundi theyyam is counted among the yuddha devata. Goddess Shakti took various forms in the fight against asuras. Goddess Kaushiki was one of the forms. It is believed that Kundor Chamundi is an amsha avatar of Goddess Kaushiki. Kundor Chamundi Theyyam Story Yet another belief is that Kundor Chamundi is the ferocious form of Goddess Kali annihilating Darikasura. It is said that Kundor Chamundi took the form of a Bhikshuki and approached Kalakeyi Ponmakal, wife of Darikasura. She learned the Mummozhi mantra from the wife of Darikasura. After gaining the mantra, ...

Core Difference In The Teachings Of Adi Shankaracharya and Vallabhacharya

Vallabhacharya is the founder of Pushtimarg and the corresponding school of philosophy known as Shuddhadvaita. Here is a look at the core difference in the teaching of Adi Shankaracharya and Vallabhacharya. Adi Shankaracharya maintains that the world is only an appearance produced by the power of maya. Brahman limited by maya is God (Ishwara). According to Adi Shankaracharya, Nirguna Brahman (Ultimate Reality without attributes) is alone real; the world is unreal. Vallabhacharya refutes this view of Adi Shankaracharya. According to Vallabhacharya, God has created the world according to his own desire, just as a spider weaves a web around itself. Maya has no power of its own to create the world because maya is the real power of Brahman. It cannot create any illusion or an unreal world. Vallabhacharya preaches that the Brahman is full of bliss; and the world is created by the will of God. God is real and therefore the world is also real. The Brahman and the world have a cause...

Pratibhasika Satta In Hindu Philosophy

In Hindu philosophy, Pratibhasika Satta is a conceptual term meaning ‘appearance as reality.’ There is a familiar saying in the works of Adi Shankaracharya on Absolute Monism. It reads as follows – Brahma Satyam Jagan Mithya Jivo brahmaiva naparah (Brahman is reality, the universe is illusion and the individual self is none else than the Brahman (Universal Being) – (Adi Shankaracharya – Vivekachudamani). The world, which is ever realized and ever experienced by all creatures, has to be divided in its existence. Shankara was bold, courageous and intelligent to take this important decision. He had to resort to the principle of maya (illusion), already referred to in Svetasvatara Upanishad (IV.9.10). As a corollary to this may, he brought forward the existence always experienced by all of us but rarely noticed. This three-fold existence is stated as – Absolute supreme existence (Paramarthika Satta) Practical existence (Vyavaharika Satta) Illusory existence (Pratibhasika Satta) ...

Kandapuli Theyyam – Story – Information

Kandapuli Theyyam ( à´•à´£്à´Ÿà´ªുà´²ി ) is a unique and rare theyyam part of the annual Thira – Kaliyattam festival mainly in Kannur and Kasaragod districts in Kerala. As per information, this theyyam is associated with Shiva and Goddess Parvati taking the form of tiger and tigress respectively. As per the Kandapuli Theyyam story, Kandapuli theyyam is the son of Shiva and Goddess Parvati in the form of tiger and tigress. Once, Shiva and Goddess Parvati were traveling through the Thullor Forest. Here they happened to see a tiger mating with a female tiger. Shiva and Parvati had amorous feelings and they took the form of Pulikandan and Pulikarinkali (Pullikarinkali) ( à´ªുà´²ിà´•à´£്à´Ÿà´¨ും à´ªുà´²ിà´•à´°ിà´™്à´•ാà´³ി ( à´ªുà´³്à´³ിà´•à´°ിà´™്à´•ാà´³ി )). It is believed that Puli Karinkali made a big hole below Thathenar rock ( à´¤ാà´¤േà´¨ാà´°് ‍ à´•à´²്à´²ിà´¨്à´±െ à´¤ാà´¯്മടയിà´²് ‍ ) and gave birth to five children – four males and one female. As per some beliefs she gave birth to five male children. The female child is popularly known as Puliyoor K...

Karinthiri Nair Theyyam – Information – Story

Karinthiri Nair Theyyam, also known as Karinthiri Kannan Nair Theyyam, is a unique and rare theyyam part of the annual Thira – Kaliyattam festival mainly in Kannur and Kasaragod districts in Kerala. As per a popular story, Karinthiri Nair went to annihilate a tiger that was killing the calves and cows of the ruler of Kurumbranthiri. He was killed by the tiger. As per information, this theyyam is performed along with Puli Theyyams (Tiger theyyams). It is said that Karinthiri Kannan Nair who went to kill the tiger did not comeback. A worried ruler, prayed to Rajarajeshwari Bhagavathy of Tullur Vanam, his family deity. That night the ruler had a dream in which the Goddess informed the ruler that the tiger or pulikandan was Parameshwaran (Shiva). Pulikandan had killed Karinthiri Kannan Nair and he had become Daivakaru ( à´¦ൈവക്à´•à´°ു ). She asked the ruler to give Karinthiri Nair a place near her in her temple ( à´Žà´¨്à´±െ à´…à´°ിà´•à´¤്à´¤് à´’à´°ു à´¦ൈà´µ മന്à´¦ിà´°ം പണിà´¤് à´…à´µിà´Ÿെ à´•ുà´Ÿിà´¯ിà´°ുà´¤്à´¤ിà´¯ാà´²് ‍ à´•à´·്à´Ÿ à´¦ോà´·à´™്ങള...

Kannom Anjuthengil Ivar Paradevata Bhagavathi Temple – Theyyam – Thira Festival – Nearly 20 Theyyams

Kannom Anjuthengil Ivar Paradevata Bhagavathi temple is located at Kannom near Ezhome in Kannur district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathi and other deities worshipped in tharavadu and kavu in Kannur region. The annual theyyam – thira festival is held for four days in Dhanu Masam – Dhanu 25 to Dhanu 28 (January 9 to January 12). Nearly 20 different theyyams are performed in this temple. This is a beautiful rectangular shaped temple with two main deities in the main sreekovil. There are other small sreekovil for other deities. The annual festival in the temple is famous for traditional performing art forms, rituals, pujas, melam and other rural folk items. The important theyyams that are part of the annual kaliyattam and thira festival are Kandapuli theyyam, Karanavar theyyam, Karinthiri Nair theyyam, Kundor Chamundi theyyam, Kurathi theyyam, Pulikanda theyyam, Puliyoor Kali theyyam, Puliyoor Kannan theyyam, Pullikarinkali theyyam, Puthiya Bhagavathy theyyam, Veer...

Dreaming Buying Okra – Meaning

Dreaming of buying okra is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means positive changes in life, return of someone back into your life and get together. Dreams of buying okra also mean lifestyle change and you getting influenced by natural or organic teachings. Dreaming of buying okra from an unknown place suggests transfer or moving to a new place suddenly and not knowing where to eat. It also means forced change of house or location. Dream of buying okra and you are unhappy or crying means you will be forced to take up something that you do not like. It also means you will be doing something that you have no interest. Dream of buying okra and you see different colors and freshness suggests positive change and desire fulfillment in life. Dreaming of buying okra and if everything is dull, rotten and lack freshness means you will make bad life decisions. It means there will be a stagnant period in life. It also means you will be forced to live a life in ...

Dreaming Of Open Ackee – Meaning

Dreaming of open ackee is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means your life will take a positive direction in near future. You can expect new job or visit a new place. Dreams of ackee tree with open fruits means you will show good progress in studies, interviews etc. It also means eating food that you have not eaten before. Dreaming of open ackee falling down from tree means you will be staying away from home. Your dream of visiting or moving to a new country will be fulfilled. Seeing dream of open ackee down on ground means you will be able to defeat your enemies. It also means desire fulfillment. Dreaming of green, yellow, red and other color open ackee together means marriage or new love relationship. Dreams of you eating open ackee means you will solve a family problem. Dream of half eaten open ackee lying around means you might ask for forgiveness for a past mistake or you will come out clean from a scandal. Dreaming of open ackee going bad...

Thinking Is Nothing But Talking To Oneself – More Such Thoughts

Thinking is nothing but talking to oneself. If one does not converse with others, one surely talks with one’s mind. There is no escape from talking. When you are engaged in conversation with someone, you will have to talk on various topics. But when you are alone, why should you waste your thoughts on useless matters? It is better to think of Bhagavan. In order to be established in the recollectedness of God, one needs to practise japa. (Swami Turiyananda) I can assure you that you will attain liberation and peace if you but free yourself from lust and greed. He who can say, ‘God is my own. I love Him and without Him I cannot live!’—be he a monk or a householder—is great. Peace will follow him. (Swami Premananda) Each one of us has a starved place and each of us knows deep down what is needed to fill that place. To find the courage to trust and honour the search, to follow the voice that tells us what we need to do even when it doesn’t seem to make sense, is a worthy pursuit. Each ...

Dreaming Of Opening A Lock With A Key

Dreaming of opening a lock with a key is both positive and negative sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will find solution to a pestering problem. It also means success. Dreams of lock with a key also mean you finding secrets about someone and it will open up a huge problem in life. It also means you will find out about something that was hidden from you. Dream of opening a lock with a key and you are doing it in the dream means you will open things that were closed for a longtime. It also means discovering new information or finding out about a family secret. Dreams of opening a lock with a key and you are not seen in the dream means you will be investigated for something. It also means in your absence someone attempting to find out your secrets or things you have hidden. Dreaming of opening a lock with a key and it is not getting opened means you will make several unsuccessful attempts to achieve something. It also means frustration. Please not t...

Dreaming Of Open Wound On Stomach – Meaning

Dreaming of open wound on stomach is a warning sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will face accidents. It also means someone intentionally will hurt you – like a physical attack. Dreams of open wounds and you are not seen in the dream means you might cause harm to another person due to your negligence or rash behavior. It also means freak accident or getting seriously hurt while doing something. Dreaming of open wound on stomach also means you remembering a bad incident of past – you will be forced to revisit an old incident in which you suffered. It also means you will witness something that is painful. Dream of open wound on stomach and you see other people mean trouble to your body in public. It also means accident in a crowded place Dreaming of open wound on stomach and you wake up terrified or crying means you will witness something untoward. It also means your plans going haywire due to an accident. It also means you needing to do lot of expla...

Dreaming Of Opening A Door For Someone – Meaning

Dreaming of opening a door for someone can be both good and bad and it depends on your reaction as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream is positive if you are seen happy in the dream. It means you will meet someone of your wavelength or liking. It also means a new relationship. Dreams of opening a door for someone and you are terrified or crying means you will be blackmailed or you can expect some kind of trouble in life due to a person whom you trusted. Dream of opening a door for someone and you know the person means you will get into a romantic relationship. It also means you will meet someone without the knowledge of other people. It also means starting a sexual relationship. Dreaming of opening a door for someone and it is a stranger means you will develop liking or intimacy with a person whom you had not seen in real. It means trusting someone blindly and later regretting it. Dreams of opening a door for someone and you are not seen in the dream means someone who...

7 December 2022 Tithi – Panchang – Hindu Calendar – Good Time – Nakshatra – Rashi

Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, 7 December 2022 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourteenth day during the waxing or light phase of moon in Hindu calendar and Panchang in most regions. It is Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourteenth day during the waxing or light phase of moon till 7:21 AM on December 7. Then onward it is Purnima tithi or the full moon day till 8:21 AM on December 8. (Time applicable in all north, south and eastern parts of India. All time based on India Standard Time.)  Good – Auspicious time on December 7, 2022 as per Hindu Calendar – Good and auspicious time after 8:46 PM.  Nakshatra  – Krittika or Karthigai or Karthika nakshatra till 10:34 AM on December 7. Then onward it is Rohini nakshatra till 11:58 AM on December 8. (Time applicable in north, south and eastern parts of India).  In western parts of India (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, north Karnataka and south Rajasthan), Krittika or Karthigai or...

Nimba Saptami - Nimb Saptami dedicated to Neem Tree

Nimba Saptami, also known as Nimb or Neemba, is dedicated to Neem Tree. It is observed on the seventh day during the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase) of Margashirsha month as per traditional Hindu calendar followed in North India . Nimba Saptami 2025 date is November 27. Nimba or Neemba is widely used in Hindu culture as a medicine. Pujas are offered to Nimba tree on the day. Such rituals in Hindu tradition are part of respecting nature and valuing each plant and animal in Nature. The ritual is mainly observed on the day in  North India . Neem Tree is of great significance in Hindu culture. People chew the leaves of the tree on the day. It is bitter but is believed to be a treasure house of medicines. Some people believe that observe the day is sort of a preparation to face the upcoming winter season.

Kaisika Ekadasi - Importance of Kaisika Ekadasi in Karthigai Masam

Kaisika Ekadasi is observed on the Shukla Paksha Ekadasi day or the waxing phase of moon in Kartik month as per Tamil calendar and is of great significance in Vishnu temples in South India . Kaisika Ekadasi 2025 date is December 1. It is believed that on this day Bhagavan Vishnu proved to the world through Nampaduvan and a Brahma Rakshas that birth and caste are mere physical and what matters is devotion and adherence to truth. Kaisika is the name of a Ragam or Tune. The greatness of Kaisika Ekadasi is found in the Kaisika Puranam which is part of the Varaha Purana. Nampaduvan was born in a Chandala family, a low class family. But he was an ardent devotee of Vishnu. He used to daily sing praise of Vishnu in a temple. Once on Kartik Shukla Ekadasi, while he was going for his daily prayer, he was stopped by a Brahma Rakshas (fierce ghostly form). The Rakshas had not eaten food for several days. The Rakshas wanted to eat Nampaduvan immediately. Nampaduvan was ready to offe...

Padikkachal Muchilottu Bhagavathi Temple – Thira – Theyyam Festival

Padikkachal Muchilottu Bhagavathi temple is located at Padikkachal near Punnad – Iritty in Kannur district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathi and other deities worshipped in kavu, tharavadu and temples in Kannur regions of Kerala. The annual theyyam – thira festival in the temple is held for three days in Makara Masam – Makaram 24, Makaram 25 and Makaram 26 (February 7, Feb 8 and Feb 9). This is a small beautiful Kerala style temple with traditional architecture. There is a chathura sreekovil for the main deity. There are also small sreekovils and square platforms for worshipping subsidiary deities. The important theyyams performed in the temple during Kaliyattam festival are Muchilottu Bhagavathy theyyam, Kannangat Bhagavathy theyyam, Narambil Bhagavathy theyyam, Puliyoor Kaali theyyam and Vishnumoorthi theyyam. Kavu kayaral, vellattam, kulichezhunellathu and other rituals, temple folk art forms, procession and melam are part of the annual festival.

Pratibhavya In Ancient Hindu World

Pratibhavya is an oath concerning trust in monetary dealings. It can be called a guarantee or a surety in the ancient Hindu world. Pratibhavya guarantees the lender that in case the borrower defaults, it is his responsibility to pay up. It has been the practice to have two co-obligates (witnesses), sureties. Liability in these cases passes on to the successors (inheritors) in exigencies like the death of the witness-lender. It may be seen that the witness, even though he does not have any benefit, is bound to assure prompt repayment to the lender according to the conditions laid down as to the rate of interest and period of repayment. There used to be deals involving cattle, food articles, clothing, metals etc. The main purpose of the rules, regulations and conditions incorporated in the system seems to be that the borrower should not cheat the lender.


Vyomashivacharya (950 CE) is one of the earliest authors of the Vaisheshika system of Hindu philosophy. He was one of the earliest and eminent commentators on Prasatapadabhashya, also known as Padarthadharmasangraha, which is a compendium based on the aphorisms (sutras) of Sage Kanada on the Vaisheshika system. Scholars differ in regard to the place of his origin. It is held that Vyomashivacharya was probably a Shaiva saint of the South, representing a distinct section of the Vaisheshika School. A native of Kashmir, Vyomashivacharya was known as Shivacharya before he became a recluse, probably assuming the name of Vyomashiva afterwards. Whichever was his native place, he is well known for his work Vyomavati, which obviously has been named after him. This work also goes by the name of Padarthasangrahatika, which Sridhara, another author of the same school, uses. Udayana (984 CE) refers to Vyomashiva as thikirt. Based on the fact that he has quoted from the works of Kumarila Bhatta (...

Food Offering At Kalighat Kali Temple In Kolkata

The most famous Goddess Kali temple is located at Kalighat in Kolkata, West Bengal. The food offerings at Kalighat temple are unique. Bhog is offered mainly two times a day. The first food offering is around 6:30 AM and it consists of fruits and sweets. The first main bhog is around 2 pm and it consists rice, pulao, bhajis (vegetables dipped in gram flour and deep fried), curries, fish, mutton, sweets and fruits. The next main food offering is between 6 PM and 7 PM. The evening food offering includes luchi or puri, begoon bhaja (fried slices of eggplant), aloo bhaji and other bhajis of seasonal vegetables and sandesh. The final food offering is at 10:30 PM. The main offering is milk and sweets.

Narath Muchilottu Kavu Temple – Thira – Kaliyattam – Theyyam Festival

Narath Muchilottu Kavu temple is located at Narath in Kannur district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathi and other deities worshipped in kavu, tharavadu and temples in Kannur regions of Kerala. The annual theyyam – thira festival in the temple is held for four days in Dhanu Masam – Dhanu 25, Dhanu 26, Dhanu 27 and Dhanu 28 (January 9, January 10, January 11 and January 12). This is a small beautiful Kerala style temple with traditional architecture. There is a chathura sreekovil for the main deity. There are also small sreekovils and square platforms for worshipping subsidiary deities. The important theyyams performed in the temple during Kaliyattam festival are Muchilottu Bhagavathy theyyam, Kannangattu Bhagavathy theyyam, Karivedan theyyam, Puliyoor Kali theyyam, Narambil Bhagavathy theyyam, Puliyoor Kannan theyyam and Vishnumoorthi theyyam. Kavu kayaral, vellattam, kulichezhunellathu and other rituals, temple folk art forms, procession and melam are part of...

Gita Jayanti Importance - Bhagavad Gita Jayanti Date in 2025

Gita Jayanti is observed on the 11th day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) of Margashirsha month as per traditional Hindu calendar. Gita Jayanti 2025 date is December 1 in North India. It is marked on December 1 in western parts of India. It is believed that the Bhagavad Gita was rendered by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on this day. Gita Jayanti falls on the Shukla Paksha Ekadashi day of the Margashirsha month (November – December). Importance of Bhagavad Gita Jayanti The greatest quality of Bhagavad Gita is that it prompts you to think, it prompts you to take decision, and it prompts you to look at life differently and refreshingly and all this without surrendering your individuality. Bhagavad Gita adapts to the present and discusses an issue by rooting itself in the present. Everyday somewhere in the world a confused Arjuna seeks the advice of  Krishna . Through the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has been discussing and debating various problems with individuals a...

Guruvayur Ekadasi 2025 date – Importance and Spiritual Significance of Ekadashi at Guruvayur Sri Krishna Temple in Kerala

Guruvayur Ekadasi is observed in the famous Sri  Krishna Temple at Guruvayur in Kerala. It is observed in the Vrischikam month as per traditional Malayalam calendar. Guruvayur Ekadasi 2025 date is December 1. The corresponding Ekadasi in other regions in some year is known as Mokshada Ekadasi or Prabodhini Ekadasi. The Geeta Jayanti is also observed on the day in certain years. The temple does not close the doors of the Sanctum Sanctorum on Ekadasi day. The temple doors which opens on at 0300 hrs on Dashami, the day before Ekadasi, is only closed at 0900 hrs on Dwadasi Day – the day after Ekadashi. How to observe Guruvayur Ekadasi? Fast on Ekadasi tithi (11th day) and end it before Dwadasi tithi (12th day) ends. Rice, salt and grains are completely avoided on the day. Visit a Krishna Temple and do your prayers. Offer Tulsi leaves and chandan to Sri Krishna. Do regular simple puja at home. Offer banana or white color food to Krishna like (pal payasam) Chant “Om...

Chemperi Kuniyanpuzha Veerabhadra Temple – Theyyam Festival

Chemperi Kuniyanpuzha Veerabhadra temple is located at Chemperi in Kannur district, Kerala. This is a rare temple in Kerala dedicated to Veerabhadra. The annual theyyam – thira festival in the temple is held in Dhanu Masam or Makara Masam. The temple has a small chathura sreekovil. There are also other popular theyyam deities in the temple and they are worshipped in small sreekovils and square platforms. The important theyyams performed in the temple are Kandakarnan theyyam, Thekkan Gulikan theyyam and Veerabhadran theyyam. Kavu kayaral, vellattam, kulichezhunellathu and other rituals, temple folk art forms, procession and melam are part of the annual festival.

Mekunnu Kandoth Sree Paradevatha Temple – Theyyam – Thira Festival

Mekunnu Kandoth Sree Paradevatha temple is located at Mekunnu near Thalassery in Kannur district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Vettakkorumakan and other deities worshipped in kavu, tharavadu and temples in Kannur regions of Kerala. The annual theyyam – thira festival in the temple is held in Dhanu Masam – Dhanu 27, Dhanu 28 and Dhanu 29 (January 11, January 12 and January 13). This is a small beautiful Kerala style temple with traditional architecture. There is a chathura sreekovil for the main deity. There are also small sreekovils and square platforms for worshipping subsidiary deities. The important theyyams performed in the temple are Kandakarnan theyyam, Pottan theyyam, Sasthappan – Kuttichathan theyyam, Thekkan Gulikan theyyam and Vasoorimala theyyam. Kavu kayaral, vellattam, kulichezhunellathu and other rituals, temple folk art forms, procession and melam are part of the annual festival.

Dreaming Of Broken Crystals – Meaning

Dreaming of broken crystals is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means sudden problems in relationships or career. It also means theft, damage or loss of valuables. It is also a kind of warning about accidents or serious problems in life. Dreams of broken crystals also mean you will face existential crisis, depression or a feeling of worthlessness. Dream of broken crystals and you are witness to breaking of crystals means you will hear bad news especially related to death or accident. It also means something valuable in a faraway place will be damaged. Dreaming of broken crystals and you are unable to do anything means an action of yours cannot be reversed and it will result in unimaginable problems. So be careful about all your actions and words. It also means bad luck. Dreams of broken crystals and blood mean disease or bad health. It also means self inflicted pain. Dream of you walking on broken crystals means you will have to undergo pain or insu...