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Showing posts from May 1, 2014

Son in Law Day in Bengal in 2025

Son in Law day is observed on the sixth day during the Shukla Paksha (Waxing Phase of moon) in the month of Jaishto (May – June) in  Bengal . In 2025, the date of Jamai Sasthi is June 1. Sons-in-law are invited and honored on the day by the in-laws and is a social custom in Bengal . Mother-in-laws cook special dishes especially Hilsa fish on the day for the sons-in-law. The son-in-law is traditionally welcomed to the house on the day and a yellow thread is tied on the wrist. He is then given gifts and in return he gifts the mother-in-law. Then a sumptuous dish is served which mainly includes vegetarian and fish dishes. The day is popularly known as Jamai Sashti. Jamai means son-in-law and Sashti means the sixth day of a fortnight.

Kumbha Rashi Rudraksha – Which Rudraksha Should Kumbha Rashi Born People Wear?

Kumbha Rashi born people should wear Rudraksh with six or 13 faces and seven or 14 five faces. Wearing of which will bring in all round success to Kumbha Rashi or Aquarius Zodiac. Each Rashi born people as per Hindu Astrology should wear a particular face Rudraksha for success, love, peace and prosperity. The deity associated with six face is Kartik or Skanda or Muruga. The deity dedicated to 13 face is again Kartik. The deity associated with seven face is Kamdev. The deity dedicated to 14 face is Shiva. Those wearing six and 13 face will also have the blessings of Shukra. Similarly those wearing seven and 14 face will also be blessed by Shani Bhagvan. Along with wearing of the Rudraksh one should practice self control, worship of personal deity and good thoughts. Performing food donation and distributing clothes after the wearing the Rurdraksh is highly meritorious for Kumbha Rashi People. It is believed that wearing the above said Rudrakshas by a Kumbha Ras

Apala – A Woman Saint during Vedic Period

Apala is the name of a woman saint mentioned in the eighth mandala of the Rig Veda Samhita. She is also mentioned in the Satyayana Brahmana. It is believed that Apala is the daughter of Sage Atri. She is believed to have had a serious skin disease. Due this her husband, Krshasava, abandoned her. Sage Atri advised Apala to do intense penance to please Indra. She is believed to have offered the juice of somalata plant to Indra when she appeared before her. It is believed that Apala asked for three boons – one to transform the barren field of her father into fertile land, cure for her father’s baldness and a cure to her skin disease. Indra grants all the three boons. To eradicate her skin disease Indra cleanses her thrice – first her human body, next her vital breathing and finally her soul. After this ritual Apala transforms into a beautiful woman. Story of Apala is found in the Sukta 91 of the 18 th manadala of the Rig Veda. Seven mantras here dedicated to Indra w

Map during Ramayana Period - How Was India During The Ramayana Period?

There are several maps that claim to represent the Ramayana period. But there is lot of discrepancies in majority of the maps. Here is a link to a high resolution map of Ramayana period published by the University of Chicago . Two routes that Bhagavan Sri Ram took are shown in the map. You can view the high resolution map here. How Was India During The Ramayana Period? The Ramayana period, often considered to belong to the Treta Yuga according to Hindu tradition, is a time rich in cultural, societal, and historical significance. While it is challenging to pinpoint exact historical details due to the blend of mythological and historical narratives, the Ramayana, an epic poem by the sage Valmiki, provides extensive insight into life during this era. Social Structure and Society Monarchical Governance: The society was predominantly monarchical, with kingdoms ruled by powerful kings. The most notable kingdom in the Ramayana is Ayodhya, ruled by King Dasharatha and later by his son,