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Showing posts from August, 2022

Story Of Ganesha Drinking Sea Of Honey

Story of Ganesha drinking sea of honey happened during the war between Tripurasura and Shiva. Tripurasura and his brother revolved around the universe in three flying cities and unleashed a reign of terror. All the gods and goddesses prayed to Ganesha for the success of Shiva. But one day, the war between Shiva and the demons began without the Devas taking the blessings of Ganapathi. On the day, Shiva was unable to achieve any kind of victory. When Shiva came to know that his arrows failed due Ganapathi, he aimed an arrow at Ganesha. The arrow could not wound Ganesha but it could neither go waste. So Ganesha directed the arrow towards the sea of Honey, one of the seven sacred seas in Hindu scriptures. Before the arrow could hit the sea of honey (Madhu Sagara), Ganesha drained the ocean floor by drinking up the honey. It is said that all the honey gave discomfort to Ganesha and he appeared at the Guddattu region in Udupi and entered the Narasimha teertha. He remained in the water ...

Tarka Vidya In Hinduism – Science Of Logic

The science of logic in Hinduism is known as Tarka Vidya. Nyaya is rendered as tarkavidya by the Mitakshara commentary on Yajnavalkya Smriti (I.3), which further states that fourteen vidyas are the means of knowing dharma. Tarka is an important aid to the attainment of valid knowledge and is known as one of the sixteen categories of Nyaya Philosophy. The word tarka occurs in Katha Upanishad (II.9), where it is said that knowledge of Self cannot be obtained by only ratiocination. The earlier verse (II.8) of the text states, ‘soul being more subtle than anything is not to be obtained by arguing.’ (aniyanhyatarkyamanupramanat). Gautama Dharmasutra (II.23) defines tarka as ‘the means for securing justice among contending parties.’ Tarka is accepted as an anga (limb) of Yoga in Maitrayani Upanishad (VI.20), which further quotes a passage stating that by control of speech, mind and prana (breath), one apprehends Brahman with the help of tarka. But the Mahabharata (VI 5.12) states – ‘one ...

Study Of Fossils In Veda – Vedic Paleontology

Besides knowledge of metals, the Vedic rishis were also acquainted with fossils. Vedic people might have performed study of fossils or Paleontology. One of the Rig Vedic verses states – “O Saraswati, all life is in thee, thou art divine.”(Rig Veda II, 41.17). The poetic expression appears to be an original idea in the research of geology, as the poet has apparently hit upon some geological discovery – that vitality has first come into play in the region of the Saraswati River. While discussing the region as that of the origin of life, N.B. Pavgee (Vedic Discoveries in Geology), with the help of the above verse of Rig Veda, says, “Vedic research in geology convey the idea that river Saraswati was supposed, from the geological point of view, to be the scene of vitality and the region where life had first commenced after the Earth cooled down, as the verse says that all life or generations are in the Saraswati River. Reference has been made in Rig Veda about the first appearance of he...

Tara Bheda – Eyeball Movements In Hindu Classical Dance

Tara Bheda is the eyeball movements in Hindu classical dance. Tara has been classified as an upanga (minor limb) in the treatises on dance. Natyashastra of Bharatamuni deals with it in the section which explains the procedure of the ancillary limbs. He classifies Tara bheda movements into nine forms and also explains their prayoga (usage). The nine forms listed in the treatise are – bhramana, valana, patah, calana, sampravesana, nivartana or vivartana, samudvritta, nishkrama and prakrta. The movements are explained below: Bhramana (circular movement) involves a random turning of eyeballs Valana (turning) involves triangular movement Patah (letting down) involves letting down eyeballs Calana (trembling) involves trembling movement of eyeballs Sampravesana (withdrawal) involves withdrawal or drawing of eyeballs within Nivartana or Vivartana (sideways movement) involves sideways movement of eyeballs Samudvritta (raising) involves raising of the eyeballs Nishkrama (projecting forward...

What Is Achara In Tantra?

Achara in Tantra means the manner in which worship is performed. Three acharas are recognized – Vedachara – in which Agni is the God worshiped and the mantras are according to the Vedic tradition. This achara is meant for the beginner. Dakshinachara – it came from the Sage Dakshinamurti. It is looked upon as an intermediate step. Vamachara – it is considered to be the highest type, uses a vama, i.e., a woman as partner, in the sadhana. In Kularnava Tantra (II. 7 -8), seven acharas are mentioned. The highest among them is called Kaulachara. In some texts nine acharas are described. They also recognize Kaulachara as the highest, producing quick and definite results. Division according to bhava places aspirants into progressively higher groups, such as puja bhava, japa bhava, stave bhava, dhyana bhava, and brahma bhava. Bhava means disposition or mental inclination of the aspirant regarding the mode of practice. Brahma bhava is considered to be the highest.

How To Perform Ganesh Chaturthi Puja At Home? - With Mantras - Simple Easy Method To Perform Ganesh Puja?

Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chaturthi is one of the most colorful and widely celebrated festivals in India . Large number of people observe Ganesh Chaturthi poojas at home. Here is an explanation on how to perform as simple and easy Ganesha puja at home as mentioned in Hindu scriptures. Ganesha puja on the Chaturthi day is usually performed at noon but nowadays people perform it when all the family members are present. Ganesh Chaturthi Mantra वक्रतुंड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ:! निर्विघ्न कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा !! ॐ गं गणपत्ये नम: Chant anyone Mantra 108 times daily or on Ganesh Chaturthi day. Requirements for Ganesh Chaturthi Puja A Clay image of Lord Ganesha. Red flowers Durva Grass blades Modak (jaggery filled sweet) Coconut Red chandan (Sandalwood paste) Incense and agarbathis How to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Puja at Home?  First clean the house and take a bath. A clay image of Lord Ganesha is installed in a raised platfor...

Why Tantra Is Known As Amnaya?

Amnaya is another word used for Tantra. It means sacred tradition handed won by tradition. Amanya is usually applied to Vedas. Tantra, in ancient times, was regarded as the fifth Veda, which is said to be more important in the Kali Yuga that the other four Vedas. Hence the word amanya is applied to Tantra. Tantra is also called agama and nigama. As explained in Agamarahasya (I.43), agama is that which come out from the mouth of Shiva and goes to the ears of Goddess Girija (Goddess Parvati), which it is witnessed or approved by Vasudeva. The meaning of the word nigama is not mentioned in this text. But traditionally, the word nigama is applied to those texts in which Goddess Parvati explains the Shastras to Shiva. But at many places the word agama is just used as a synonym for nigama.

Ganesh Patris - Pictures of 21 Leaves used during Ganesh Chaturthi Puja

For Ganesh Chaturthi Puja 21 leaves are used. The leaves are also known as Ganesh Patris. Below are the pictures of 21 leaves used during Vinayaka Chaturthi. Traditionally leaves of 108 different types of plants are offered. But today most people confine the offering to Durva grass and Bilva leaves. In some regions, certain wild leaves are worshipped instead of Ganesh murti. In most community pujas, 21 different types of leaves are offered. Tulsi leaves are only used during Ganesh Chaturthi puja. It is not used during other Ganesh pujas. Nirguda Kimva or Neem is used. Both are not used together. Similarly, Kevada or Dorali is used. Both are not used together. Dorali is also known as Ranvange. Not all 21 leaves are offered in pujas performed in homes. Mango leaves are also widely used for decorating the puja area. Source - Pictures from Government of Maharashtra, Environment Department W...

Tanmatra In Hinduism

Tanmatra is any of the five priordial elements. Tanmatra (That Alone) is that which exists by itself. It is an indivisible unit. It is also called a sukshma bhuta (subtle element). In the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter VII), Sri Krishna tells Arjuna – ‘This prakrti of mine is eight fold, earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect, and also egoism’. According to Vedic cosmology the first element to evolve was akasha. From akasha (ether) evolved vayu (air); from air evolved agni (fire); from fire ap (water), and from water prithvi (earth). These are called the subtle elements. They do not mix with one another, and therefore they are called apancikrta (unmixed). According to Vedanta, the five elements were originally connected with their specific tanmatra. These tanmatras include – Prithvi – gandha tanmatra (smelling), Ap – rasa tanmatra (tasting), Tej – rupa tanmatra (form), Vayu – sparsha tanmatra (touching) and Akasha – sabda tanmatra (sound). Out of these tanmatras subtle element...

Tandya Brahmana In Hinduism – What Is It About?

 In Hinduism, Tandya Brahmana is a section of Sama Veda that contains songs to be sung at Soma Yajna, a Vedic Yajna. It is also known as Pancavimsa Brahmana, Praudha Brahmana or Maha Brahmana. Tandya Brahmana belongs to Sama Veda Kauthuma recension. It is in twenty five sections, mainly lays down stomas (praise songs). The text interprets acts relating to a srauta ritual dealt with in Sama Veda and executed by an udgatr priest and his assistants, and hence it particularly defines saman shlokas. It discusses the different modes of forming out a triplet and the number of verses required for the chant. Soma rites form a group of seven rites, such as Agnistoma, Atyagnistoma, Ukthya, Sodasin, Vajapeya, Atiratra and Aptoryama. Agnistoma (Jyotistoma) is the archetype of all soma rites. These rites may be classified as those lasting for ekaha (a day) or for ahina (twelve days) or for more than barah (twelve days). Vajapeya rites performed for social promotion require the practice of re...

Dreaming Of Landslide – Meaning

Dreaming of landslide is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will face some tragedy in personal life especially death or accident of a family member in immediate future. Dreams of landslide and you see other people in it mean damage in your area or to your property due to natural calamities. Dream of landslide and you do not see yourself in the dream means that a person whom you had trusted might cheat you. It can be spouse or friend or relative. It is also a warning to not to trust people blindly and to do your work. Dreaming of landslide and you see people not helping you means that a secret of yours will be revealed and it will shake up your personal or professional life. Dreaming of landslide is a very rare dream. The dream has no meaning most times as it is often seen after watching or reading about landslide on television, mobile or visual media. But if one dreams about landslide naturally without talking or seeing during daytime, then it...

Ganesh Chaturthi Quotes and Thoughts - Relevance Of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival In Hinduism

Relevance Of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival In Hinduism explained through the  words of Hindu gurus and saints. This is a collection of Ganesh Chaturthi quotes and thought. Ganesha, Ganapati, Vinayaka, Vigneshwara are the countless names of the visible manifestation of the essence of the words ‘That Thou Art’ – Tat Tvam Asi. …the elephant-headed remover of all difficulties in life indeed represents the highest and the best that have ever been given in our scriptures. ….on the spiritual pilgrimage, all the obstacles are created by the very subjective and objective worlds in the seeker himself; his attachment to the world of objects, emotions and thoughts, are alone his obstacles. Sri Vigneswara chops them off with the axe and holds the attention of the seeker constantly towards the higher goal with the rope that He has in this left hand. En route, He feeds the seeker with the modaka – the joy of satisfaction experienced by the evolving seeker or reality) – and bless him...

Dreaming Of Sky Blue Water – Meaning

Dreaming of sky blue water is good and positive as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will get more clarity about life. You will make necessary changes for a stress free life. Dreams of sky blue water means you will have opportunity to move closer to natural surroundings. Dream of sky blue water and you are putting legs or hands or washing face or drinking means you will soon realize the futility of city life. It means you will have a strong urge to lead a peaceful life away from the pollution and hasty city life. Dream of sky blue water and you are crying or sad means you will regret not doing something at the right time. It means you will regret not mending a relationship. Dream of sky blue water and seeing your reflection means you will decide to come out clean. You will take the path of honesty. It also means you will put an end to something that was giving you nothing but trouble it could be relationship or job. Here are some more common interpretation...

Bhagavad Gita Chapter VII Verse I

Bhagavan Sri Krishna said: Hear, O son of Pritha, how without doubt thou shalt know Me fully, practising yoga with thy mind fixed in Me and taking refuge in Me. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter VII, Verse I) This is a great and wonderful promise that Bhagavan Sri Krishna makes to Arjuna. ‘Hear, how you shall know Me fully.’ Doubt not; believe My word. I am going to tell you all about Myself, that knowing Me, you may truly love Me and become entirely devoted to me. But you must practise yoga. That is, you must make your mind strong and steady and then fixing your mind on Me, you must take refuge in Me. Those who want material prosperity may follow the rules laid down in the shastras for that purpose, rules regarding austerities, sacrifices, vows and so on. But those who want to know Me in My infinite greatness and power and grace, must come to Me. They must abide with Me, then gradually all their doubts will vanish as they come to know Me fully. It is a common experience of the devotee that o...

Dreaming Of Krishna Talking To You – Meaning

Dreaming of Krishna talking to you is a good omen as per dream interpretation and meaning. The dream means you will have the blessing of Bhagavan in all your good ventures. It also means you need follow the good path and avoid doing anything bad. Dreams of Krishna talking to you are also a sign of change of luck and relief from pain and stress. Dream of Krishna talking to you and you see no one else around means desire fulfillment. It also means change of luck. Dreams Krishna talking to you and you see other people around means you will turn spiritual. It also means honor and respect. Dreaming of Krishna talking to you and you are unable to understand what is happening means lost opportunity. It also means passion and lust destroying an opportunity. Here are some more common interpretations of Krishna talking to you dream: 1. Spiritual Guidance and Blessings : Connection to the Divine : Dreaming of Krishna speaking to you might symbolize a direct connection to the divine. It can ...

Dreaming Of Visiting Krishna Temple – Meaning

Dreaming of visiting Krishna temple is good omen as per dream interpretation and meaning. First important meaning is that Bhagavan Sri Krishna is asking you to come and visit him. It is also a sign that you will see peace and progress, if you follow dharma and goodness. The dream means you will have better opportunity and prosperity. Dreams of visiting Krishna temple also means you are doing something unethical and you should avoid it as it will only result in your destruction. Dreaming of praying before Krishna murti in a temple sanctum means there will be increase in wealth. You will find solution to an ongoing problem. Walking or moving towards Krishna temple means you will achieve success in life you are ready to do hard work. There will be a good opportunity in near future and you should make use of it. Dream of a Krishna temple you had never seen before means help from strangers. It also means you will see improvement in life as result of help from others. Here are some mor...

Dreaming Of Empty Kraal – Meaning

Dreaming of empty kraal is a negative and warning sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will see or hear bad things. It also means witnessing something that is against your beliefs. Dreams of empty kraal also mean you being chased by attackers or animals in near future. It also means you will be cheated or abandoned by those you trusted. It also means natural calamities or man-made problems causing havoc to your livelihood or something you loved most. Dream of empty kraal and you see other people means timely help will rescue you from a serious situation. The dream is asking you to take care of your health and be alert. Dreaming of empty kraal and it belongs to someone else means you will have to act quickly to rescue a person. It also means trouble for family members or friends. Dreams of empty kraal and you see colors or unusual patterns means death and mourning. Dream of empty kraal and you wake up happy or laughing means suicidal thoughts and des...

7 September 2022 Tithi – Panchang – Hindu Calendar – Good Time – Nakshatra – Rashi

Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, 7 September 2022 – It is Shukla Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth day during waxing or light phase of moon in Hindu calendar and Panchang in most regions. It is Shukla Paksha Ekadashi tithi or the eleventh day during waxing or light phase of moon till 12:24  AM on September 7. Then onward it is Shukla Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth day during waxing or light phase of moon till 9:59  PM on September 7. Then onward it is Shukla Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteenth day during waxing or light phase of moon till 7:42 PM on September 8. (Time applicable in all north, south and eastern parts of India. All time based on India Standard Time.  Good – Auspicious time on September 7, 2022 as per Hindu Calendar – Good and auspicious time on the full day.  Nakshatra  – Uttarashada or Uthradam nakshatra till 2:53 PM on September 7 . Then onward it is Shravan or Thiruvonam or Sravana nakshatra till 1:18 PM o...

Difference Between Tantra And Vedanta

The philosophy of Tantra and Vedanta are more or less the same. In Vedanta, we address Brahman and maya. In Tantra, we address Shiva and Shakti. In the Shakta tantra, God is worshipped as Mother. Here is a look at the difference between tantra and Vedanta. Shiva is unchanging Consciousness and Shakti is its dynamic power appearing as mind and matter. Shiva and Shakti are, therefore, Consciousness and its Power. In the static transcendent aspect, Shiva, the one Brahman, does not change. In the kinetic immanent aspect, Shakti, it does. There is the changelessness in change. The individual soul is one with the transcendent spirit, the Paramatman. Vedanta is similar in this respect: the individual soul, your soul, my soul; this Atman and Brahman are the same. Individual Consciousness and cosmic Consciousness are same. The room space and the cosmic space, both are the same. In tantra, however, there is a beauty. There is a little difference between tantra and Vedanta. In the Vedantic ...

Satguru Swami Teonram Ji Maharaj – Founder Of Prem Prakash Panth Tradition

Satguru Swami Teonram Ji Maharaj, also known as Swami Taivu Ram, founder of the Prem Prakash Panth tradition, was born on July 6, 1887, at Khandu village, Hyderabad district, Sindh, now in Pakistan. From his early childhood, Taivu Ram showed his inclination for devotion to God. He used to encourage his friends to meditate on God. His eldest brother, Tahel Ram, tried his best to divert Taivu Ram’s attention to his worldly responsibilities, but he did not succeed. After getting his early education, Taivu Ram tried several avocations but failed. For example, he was too generous to run a shop; he would freely give away food and provisions to mendicants. Similarly, he would not guard the mango garden entrusted to him. Taivu Ram’s mother, Krishna Devi, was worried about this future, but at the same time she was impressed by his spiritual inclinations. To his mother, Taivu Ram expresses his desire to become an ascetic. Taviu Ram started satsanga regularly in which thousands of devotees used...

Talu – Hard And Soft Palate In Yoga

Talu is the term used in Yoga to mean palate both the hard and the soft palate. Talumula is the back side of the palate, which is at the spot between the eyebrows. This part has attained great importance in hatha yoga. It is said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika (III.77-82) that at the talumula the moon is situated in the human body. It secretes elixir, which trickles down the throat and goes as far as the sun, situated at the navel. The sun swallows that elixir and that is what causes old age. It is by doing inverted action (viparita karani) that one places the sun above and the moon down below; then the process of aging is stopped and thereby one can enjoy the vigor of youth permanently. Talu assumes significance also with relation to another mudra called khecari, in which the tip of the tongue is turned back and inserted into the space above the talu. The space is called kapala kuhara, i.e., the space in the skull. Kapala kuhara is also called tripatha (junction of three paths) or vyoma ca...

Paksha In Logic In Hinduism – Nyaya Philosophy

Paksha is a term used in logic in Hinduism especially in Nyaya philosophy. Inference or anumana is one of the four means of knowledge accepted by Nyaya philosophers. Anumana is cognition which presupposes some other cognition, because anumiti in Sanskrit literally means the consequent knowledge (anu – after, miti – knowledge) of an invariable concomitance (vyapti) between what is perceived and what is deduced. Inference is of two types – svartha (for oneself) and parartha (for others). The former is the psychological process where no formal statement is verbalized. The latter has to be presented in the form of a formal syllogism in order to convince others. The typical Nyaya Syllogism has five members, namely pratijna (proposition), hetu (the reason adduced), udaharana (example), upanaya (the sub-sumptive correlative) and nigamana (conclusion). A classical example of the syllogism is as follows – The hill has fire is pratijna. Because it has smoke is the hetu. Whatever has smok...

Some Important Taboos In Hindu Religion

The taboos of Hindus are of various origins – mythological, historical, religious, totemic, medical, numerological, cultural and astrological. Some of the important taboos under the cultural category are the ones like prohibition against – Talking while defecating Urinating while standing, Sewing a cloth by evening The daughter-in-law sitting at the threshold of a house at anytime Blowing off the flame of a lamp Hitting an animal with a broom Sleeping with feet stretched southwards (a position which only a dead body should be laid in) Tightening a cot’s ropes after the sunset Shaking one’s leg while sitting Rubbing one’s feet against the floor Using the grain grinder on the full moon day Using the half burnt wick of a lamp the next day Creating sound by striking two iron pieces Writing one’s name with a piece of coal on the ground Burning the other end of a burnt wooden piece Passing a crematorium or a burial place clad in white and perfumed clothes Eating food while sitting on a c...

Tadatmya In Hindu Philosophy

Tadatmya, in Hindu philosophy, is the similarity between two concepts and objects. Tadatmya means a relation of essential identity and refers to the principle of uniformity of two concepts. It is a relation of genus (class of individuals) and species (individuals with common characteristics). Tadutpatti refers to cause and effect theory. But there is no cause and effect relation in tadatmya. Inference is drawn as an evidence of assertion. Nyaya theory relies upon empirical induction where as Buddhist doctrine relied on the identity of essence. According to Nyaya theory, there were four pramans or means of valid knowledge, pratyaksha (perception), anumana (inference), upamana (inference by analogy or comparison), and sabda (verbal), pronouncement of a reliable authority, such as Vedas. The testimony Advaita Vedanta School added are arthapatti (intuition or presumption) and anupalabdhi (non-perception). The six categories over-lapped somewhat, but Buddhists generally included all forms...

Tamoyoga – A Class Of Inauspicious Beings

Tamoyoga is a class of inauspicious beings not eligible for emancipation and therefore consigned to Naraka (hell), according to the Dvaita Vedanta system of Madhva. Madhavacharya’s radical realism holds that reality is two fold Independent Dependent The Supreme Being Narayana is the one and only independent reality and all else, intelligent selves and insentient matter, are dependent. Since difference is the very essential nature of a substance, whether sentient or insentient, the principle of gradation in created beings follows a logical result. Hence a class of selves eternally damned. In Madhva system, the individual self, spiritual in nature, is endowed with limited power of will, knowledge and action. It is eternal, beginning-less, limited, finite in size, but has distinct characteristics that differentiate it from other souls and in gradation. There, this difference is both qualitative and quantitative. A self’s spiritual core is crippled by a subtle material sheath fro...

Dreaming Of Sky On Fire – Meaning

Dreaming of sky on fire is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream is a warning sign about upcoming death, health issues or accident. It also means doing something that normally people don’t do in your age. Dreams of sky on fire also mean too much fantasies and superhuman movies or literature are interfering with your thoughts and mind. Dream of sky on fire also means you will find yourselves in crossroads – confused and like in hell. It also means loss of interest in daily routine. It also means failure. Dreaming of sky on fire and you are not present in the dreams you will not be help someone you love when they are deep trouble. You will always regret it. Dreams of sky on fire and you wake up happy or elated means suicidal thoughts. It also means you will decide to destroy something out of anger and only to regret it later. The dream is a warning sign about upcoming problems. You will need to show patience and intelligence to overcome it. Here are some o...

Dreaming Of Sky Changing Colors – Meaning

Dreaming of sky changing colors is a negative sign as per dream interpretation and meaning. The dream means you will face sudden problems in a relationship. It also means something that was working properly will go bad and it will cause lots of hardships. Dreams of sky changing colors are also a sign that you will face mixed fortune in money related matters. Dream of sky changing colors and it disturbs your sleep means you will face depression. It also means mood swings and getting angry are people for no reason. Dreaming of sky changing colors and you are happy and thrilled means new opportunities to prove your worth. It also means a talent or hobby of yours will get noticed and recognition will follow. Dreams of sky changing colors and you see them moving fast or changing quickly is a sign of natural calamities or manmade problems creating havoc in your life. Some more potential interpretations of sky changing colors dream: 1. Emotional Shifts Calm to Stormy Colors: If the sky...

There Is A Pre-Drawn Plan On The Top – Story

When I was a little boy, my mother used to embroider a great deal. I would sit at her knee and look up from the floor and ask what she was doing. She informed me that she was embroidering. I told her that it looked like a mess from where I was. As from the underside I watched her work within the boundaries of the little round hoop that she held in her hand, I complained to her that it sure looked messy from where I sat. She would smile at me, look down and gently say, ‘My son, you go about your playing for a while, and when I am finished with my embroidering, I will put you on my knee and let you see it from my side. ‘I would wonder why she was using some dark threads along with the bright ones and why they seemed so jumbled from my view. A few minutes would pass and then I would hear Mother’s voice say, ‘Son, come and sit on my knee.’ This I did only to be surprised and thrilled to see a beautiful flower or a sunset. I could not believe it, because from underneath it looked so mes...