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Showing posts from March 30, 2020

Upcoming Hindu Festivals in April 2020 – Hindu Vrat – Fasting – Rituals in April 2020

Dates of important upcoming festivals and fasting associated with Hinduism in April 2020 – based on major Hindu calendars and Panchang used in India. The festivals, Vrats and ritual days are based on Indian Standard Time (IST). April 1 – Maha Ashtami Vrat – Annapurna Parikrama – Chaitra Ashtami – Ashokastami – Tarashtami April 2 – Mahanavami – Ram Navami – Chaitra Navratri ends April 4 – Ekadasi Fasting April 5 – Madan Dwadasi, Vamana Dvadasi April 6 – Pradosh Vrat April 6 – Anang Trayodashi April 6 – Panguni Uthiram April 7 – Purnima Vrat April 8 – Hanuman Jayanti – Purnima April 9 – Vaishakh month begins in North India April 9 – Vaishakh Snan begins April 11 – Sankashti Chaturthi vrat moon rise time is at 10:27 PM April 13 – Mesha Sankranti 10:28 PM April 13 – Kokila Sashti April 14 – Kharmas ends April 14 – Tamil New Year – Baisakhi April 14 – Chithirai Masam begins in Tamil Calendar. April 14 – Maha Vishuba Sankranti – Pana Sankranti

Ashvattha Tree and Agni

There is an important story connecting Ashvattha Tree (Indian fig tree) and Agni. Legend has it that Agni (the fire god in Hinduism) got tired of doing his duty of conveying the offerings made in sacrifices to gods and manes; he desired to relinquish his job, but was requested to continue till a substitute was found. Agni paid no heed to the request but took the form of a horse and began to run; but as he was being chased by the Devas (demigods), he disappeared into a fig tree. Hence the tree bears the name ‘Ashvattha’ (concealing a horse). The legend provides the reason for fire being present inside the wood of Ashvattha tree. The tree is traditionally held as sacred since the twigs are used for oblation into the Vedic fire altar. The tree also represents Brahma at the root, Vishnu in the middle and Shiva at the top.

Symbolism - Burning Khandavaprastha Forest To Create Indraprastha City In Mahabharata

The burning of Khandavaprastha to create Indraprastha in the Mahabharata has deep symbolism and hidden warning for human beings. Khandavaprastha was a dense forest full of animals, birds, beasts, Nagas and Rakshasas. It was destroyed (burned down) to create Indraprastha, a city for human beings. This probably reflects the actual burning of forests to clear land for agriculture. Nature was destroyed to create a society only for human beings. Human civilization and laws replaced pristine nature. All modern cities were built by destroying large number of animals and plants. Human civilization brought death and killing. When should this death and killing end? Krishna had the answer – at the point when needs have been met, before greed takes over. A society based on Dharma ruled by a Dharmic king recognizes the fine line between need and greed. It is important to note that all this destruction creates a cycle of revenge. Those that suffered wait for an opportunity to str

Horanadu Annapurna Temple Facts - Timings – Horanadu Annapoorneshwari Temple Story

Horanadu Annapurna Temple, dedicated to Goddess Annapoorneshwari, is located on the banks of Bhadra River in the Western Ghats in a remote part of Chikmagalur District, Karnataka. Horanadu Annapoorneshwari Temple Story And History Sage Agastya is believed to have established the murti in the temple. Legend has it that Shiva once declared everything in the world including food to be illusion. Goddess Parvati got angry and disappeared. There was severe drought on earth with the disappearance of Mother Shakti, who nourishes and provides food to all living beings on earth. After some years, taking pity on the living beings Goddess Parvati appeared as Annapurna at Horanadu. She then provided food to all. Horanadu Annapurna Temple Timings 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM Maha Mangalarathi Time: Morning at 9:00 AM Afternoon at 1:30 PM Night at 9:00 PM. Kumkumarchana Time: Morning from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Evening from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Prasada Bojana Time:

How To Overcome Restlessness?

How to overcome restlessness? Through patience and correct knowledge alone you can overcome restlessness. Here are few tips to overcome restlessness based on teachings in Hinduism. Desires, likes, dislikes, opinions etc, cause mental restlessness. The only solution to this restlessness is to see the bigger picture and become spiritual. To see the Supreme Truth in all living and nonliving. When we realize there is nothing called individual soul but only Supreme soul mental restlessness will disappear. Sometimes we feel restless about the place or atmosphere we are in. The ideal solution is to move away from the place or atmosphere for at least a short period. If possible move away for a longer period. This will usher in positive change and the restlessness will disappear. Emotional restlessness is caused due to ignorance. When you search for happiness outside it will end in unhappiness. This causes emotional problems and outbursts. Stop searching for happiness outside and look