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Showing posts from March 29, 2019

Kalpadi Tritiya

Kalpadi Tritiya 2025 date based on Hindu calendar and panchang. Kalpadi Tritiya is observed on Chaitra Shukla Paksha Tritiya Tithi or the third day during the waxing phase of moon in Chaitra Month. Kalpadi Tithi is the starting of a day of Brahma. Kalpadi Tritiya 2025 date is March 31. A day of Brahma is equal to 4,320,000,000 human years. There has been several Kalpas. At the end of a Kalpa there is the cosmic flood which marks the end of a cycle of creation. Then it is the night time of Brahma. The cycle of creation again begins on a Kalpadi Tithi. On such Kalpadi Tithi is known as Kalpadi Tritiya. It is considered highly meritorious to perform Shradh and Tarpan rituals on Kalpadi Tritiya.

Sarhul Festival – Sarhul Festival and Puja in Bihar and Jharkhand

Sarhul Festival is observed in Bihar and Jharkhand by Tribal people. On the day people offer pujas and prayers to village deities for a good agriculture season, plentiful forest, peace and prosperity. In 2025, Sarhul Festival is on March 31. It is also the New Year of the various tribes in the region. The period is when new seeds are sown and there it is also the festival of sowing of seeds. The wedding season begins with the festival. During this festival, people pray to elements of nature. A dance is performed around trees on the day. Tribes all across Jharkhand and Bihar celebrate Sarhul with great enthusiasm. A highlight of the festival is the traditional dances performed by men, women and children who are dressed up in colorful ethnic attires for the occasion. A locally made beer from rice and tree leaves is consumed on the day. It is observed on the Chaitra Shukla Paksha Tritiya Tithi.

Swami Samarth Jayanti 2025 - Prakat Din or Birth Anniversary of Akkalkot Swami Samarth

Swami Samarth is believed to be an incarnation of Sri Dattatreya and is a very popular saint in Maharashtra . it is the prakat din or birth anniversary of the holy Saint. Swami Samarth Jayanti 2025 date is March 31. He lived at a place named Akkalkot near Solapur in Maharashtra from 1856 AD and attained Samadhi here in 1878 AD. Nothing much is known about his early days. Swami Samarth Jayanti is annually observed on the Chaitra Shukla Paksha Dwitiya day – second day during the waxing phase of moon in Chaitra Month. There are some striking similarities between the lives of Swami Samarth and Shirdi Sai Baba. Swami Samarth performed numerous miracles during this life time and his devotees even today continue to experience his miracles. His teachings are simple and inspired the common people who came in contact with him. His philosophy was – Harm no one, provide joy to everyone. Inside every one, I am the only One.

Tree Associated with Lord Krishna

The tree associated with Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Kadamba Tree (Burflower tree - Anthocephalus Cadamba). As per the Srimad Bhagavad Purana, Sri Krishna climbed on a Kadamba tree after stealing the clothes of gopis. It is also said in the same Purana, that Krishna played his flute sitting on a Kadamba tree. The symbol of the tree is also the symbol of the tree of life – with its abundant and simultaneous flowering and fruiting, and its sheltering of animal life. The roots of the tree are in the nether world in the mound of water, while its crown reaches far up into the sky. The tree thus represents the simultaneity and the interpenetration of human, natural and divine realms. (Source - Book titled Krishna by Shanta Rameshwar Rao) Kadamba tree is also worshipped in Varanasi and other regions in North India. Sri Krishna and Radha used to meet under the Kadamba Tree. Thus the tree is associated with lovers. He used to swing on the branches of tree and used to dance with the G

Why Chasing Sense Pleasures are Worthless? – Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita clearly answers to why chasing sense pleasures are worthless. That happiness which arises when the desired sense object comes in contact with the sense organs is indeed a thrill that is nectarine in the beginning. But, unfortunately, it vanishes as quickly as it comes, dumping the enjoyer into a pit of exhaustion and indeed into a sense of dissipation. To explain: sense enjoyments arise only when the sense organs are actually in contact with the sense objects. This contact cannot be permanently established, for both the objects and the instruments that come in contact with the objects – the mind and intellect – are variable and changing. Also, the sense organs cannot enjoy the sense objects all the times with the same appetite, and even if they do so, the very object in the embrace of the sense organs withers and putrefies. No individual can fully enjoy even the passing glitter of joy that the sense organs give, for even at the moment of enjoyment the ‘jo