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Sade Sati Remedies – Easy and Simple Solution to Overcome Sade Sati

If you are undergoing Sade Sati in the horoscope, there are some simple and easy solutions.

Worshipping and taking care of Peepal Tree

Those who are going through Sade Sati should water peepal tree. In the evening, one should light a lamp with sarson ka tel – mustard oil – under the peepal tree. Then a person should offer prayers to the Peepal tree.

Then the person should do seven parikrama (circumambulation) of the peepal tree.

It is believed that the person will be able to please Shani through the prayers.

Yet another effective method is to plant Peepal and neem tree and take care of it.

Red Thread and Mango Leaves

People going through Sade Sati should buy red thread on Saturday. The red thread should of the length of their height. The thread should be then covered with mango leaves. This should be then taken to a river. The person should say his prayers. Then the red thread covered in mango leaves should be thrown in a river.

Well known remedies for Sade Sati

  • Worship of Hanuman on Saturday.
  • Worship of Shiva on Saturday.
  • Donation of black clothes, iron and sesame oil – Til ka tel.