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Showing posts from July 29, 2018

The Story of Bheemana Amavasya Vrata - Bhagirati Nadi Hogi

Bheemana Amavasya or Bhima Amavasya Vrata observed in Karnataka on the Amavasi (new moon day) in Ashada month is based on an unparalleled devotion of a young girl for Lord Shiva and Parvati. Women and girls conduct special puja on the day for a happy and prosperous life and for the wellbeing of brothers and husbands. The popular story, or Katha, associated Jyoti Bheemeshwara pooja is known as Bhagirathi Nadi Hogi. Legend has it that once a Brahmin couple decided to travel to Kashi to pray to Lord Shiva. But they had a daughter, a young girl, and the couple was not ready to take her with them as they did not want to risk her life. The journey was long and they were not sure whether they will make it safely. So the Brahmin couple decided to leave the young girl with their elder son. The elder son was married and they left the daughter with him and said that if they did not return he should get her married. The parents did not return after a year and the brother an

Shiva Comes to Meet Child Sri Ram as Madari

When Vishnu was born as Sri Ram in Ayodhya as son of Dasharatha, Shiva was eager to have a glimpse of the child form of Vishnu. Dasharatha was protective of child Rama and did not allow strangers near him. Shiva takes various forms of Sadhu, astrologer, singer etc to enter palace but is denied. Finally he takes the form of a Madari, a man who entertains people on the street with a monkey. Legend has it that the monkey that danced for Shiva was Hanuman. Shiva twirls his hourglass-shaped drum and hanuman dances entertaining the crowd. The news of the monkey and the street performer reaches the palace and they are invited to play for the princes. Sri Ram sits on the lap of King Dasharatha and watches the performance. Shiva as Madari is in a blissful state on seeing Vishnu in child form. He twirls the drum ecstatically and dances with the monkey. Related Parashu the Divine Weapon of Parashuram and Shiva

Jangama in Kannada Virashaivism – Lingayat Sect

Jangama in Kannada Virashaivism – Lingayat Sect is a wandering mendicant. Jangama is a Sanskrit word and it means a “moving object.” As per Veerashaivism, jangama is a wandering monk who preaches morality and religion. Today, many of them have abandoned the nomadic lifestyle and have settled as priests of their respective community. He lives on alms obtained through charity. Three Different Types of Jangama As per Viragama, a jangama is one who is free from worldly attachments, burdens, restrictions, limitations, sensuality and impurities. Depending on their mode of living and religious order, Veerashaivism makes a distinction of jangama. They are categorized into commoner, the special one and wandering monk. A samanya or commoner is a householder and he is settled in a particular place. A Vishesha or the special one is an unmarried monk who conducts religious ceremonies and heads a mutt. He is also known as pattadadevaru. A wandering monk with no at

Gudiya Festival

Gudiya Festival is mainly observed in Shravan month mainly in rural areas in Uttar Pradesh. Gudiya festival 2024 date is August 9. On the same day Nag Panchami festival is also organized. As part of the Gudiya Festival, children beat up cloth-made dolls. But this practice has been stopped as it indirectly cultivated violence against women. Today in many regions, baby dolls are kept on swings and people swing it.  Women sing folk songs and apply mehndi on hands. People also indulge in kite flying (patang baazi) on this day.  Gudiya Festival: A Unique Rural Celebration in Uttar Pradesh The Gudiya Festival, primarily observed in the Shravan month, is a vibrant and culturally significant celebration in the rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. Coinciding with Nag Panchami, this festival is deeply rooted in local traditions and customs, offering a fascinating glimpse into the region's cultural fabric. Historical Significance and Evolution Historically, the Gudiya Festival involved a cont