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Showing posts from May 18, 2018

What is Gauri Panchang? – Good and Bad Period Calculation in Gauri Panchanga

Gauri Panchang is an almanac used for fixing auspicious times by dividing the day and night into sixteen segments totally. The time segments in Gauri Panchanga are Udyogam Amrutham Rogam Labham Dhanam Choram Visham Sukham Among time segments, rogam (disease), choram (theft) and Visham (poison) are considered inauspicious. They are considered as evil period. The other five are considered good. On any day, in Gauri Panchang, the calculation is made from the time of sunrise. In Gauri Panchanaga, one kalam or one muhurtam means 3.75 naghigais or 1.5 hours. One nazhigai is equal to twenty four minutes. Example – the below time is based on sunrise at 6:00 AM.  On days when the sunrise is not at 6:00 AM, suitable corrections have to be made. Sunday Gauri Panchang Auspicious Time 6:00 AM to 7:30 AM is Udyogam  (good) 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM is Amrutham (good) 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM is Rogam (bad) 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM is Labham (Good) 12:00 PM to 1:30

Chandra Puja Vidhi – Procedure – Chandra Mantra – How to perform Chandra Puja?

Chandra is one among the Navgrahas or nine planets in Hinduism. He is worshipped for mental peace and to solve mind related problems like depression. Below is Chandra puja vidhi with the Chandra mantra. This how to perform Chandra Puja guide is ideal for performing the puja at home. Chandra Mantra ॐ शीतांशु विभांशु अमृतांशु नम : Om Shieetamshu Vibhamshu Amritashu Namah When to Perform Chandra Puja? Shukla Paksha Dwitiya Tithi – the second day after Amavasya when Chandra Darshan is marked on the calendar. This is the second day during the waxing or light phase of moon in a traditional Hindu lunar calendar. Purnima Tithi – full moon day. Benefits of Performing Chandra Puja? Ideal puja for solving all problems associated with the bad positioning of Chandra Navgraha in horoscope or janam kundli. Ideal puja for performing artists, musicians, writers and actors for getting fame and achieving success. Solve all mental problems including depression. To

Kamsutra Mantra - How to Chant Kamsutra Mantra?

Kamsutra Mantra is chanted for attracting the opposite sex or for the fulfillment of sexual desires. It is also chanted for creating attraction in a particular person we love. Kamsutra Mantra ॐ नमो भगवते कामदेवया   यस्य यस्य दृश्यो भवामि   यश्च यश्च मूखम पश्चयती   तत मोहायतु स्वाहा   Om Namo Bhagavate Kamdevaya Yasya Yasya Drishyo Bhavami Yascha Yascha Mookam Paschayati Tata Mohayute Swaha How to Chant Kamsutra Mantra? The person chanting the mantra should take bath early in the morning. First offer prayers to Ganesha. Wear yellow color cloth. The puja is to be performed facing northeast. Light lamp using cow ghee by adding dried flowers in it. One wick is preferred. Offer fragrant flowers. Light natural agarbatti of flowers. Offer fragrant water like ittar or natural perfume. Offer seasonal colorful fruits. Chant the mantra 108 times. The puja should be repeated in the evening. The prayer and puja has to be performed for 21 days.

Kanhopatra – Information on Kanhopatra – Woman Saint of Maharashtra

Kanhopatra was one of the women saints of Maharashtra devotion to Vitthal Panduranga of Pandharpur. As per reliable information, she was born in 1468 AD at Mangalavedhya. Her mother was a beautiful dancer and Kanhopatra was too a beautiful girl. The news about the beauty of Kanhopatra reached the years of the Sultan of Bidar who wanted her to be part of his harem. When the Sultan’s desire was told to her, she made it known that she desisted such a life and wished to live serving Vithoba of Pandharpur. Kanhopatra one day joined the warkaris (pilgrims) going to Pandharpur. She was so immersed in the devotion of the Vitthal that the news of her saintliness spread across the region. Sultan of Bidar was not impressed by her newfound piety and virtue. He ordered his soldiers to forcibly capture her and to bring her to his court. Kanhopatra who came to know about the order of the Sultan, went to the sanctum sanctorum of the Vithoba Temple in Pandarpur. She then composed

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 15

He with whom the world is never annoyed and who is not himself annoyed with the world, he who is free from elation, in tolerance, fear and anxiety — he is dear to Me. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 15) How often we are annoyed with the world, with people, with conditions. Things do not go as we want them to go and we get annoyed, we become miserable. But not so the yogi. He does not allow his mind to be disturbed. His mind rests in God. What does he care about annoyances, little troubles that pass by like the ship on the horizon? He dwells in Eternity. And so also he does not cause annoyance to others. Why should he? He has nothing to gain by it. He does not want anything. He is satisfied and contented. He lives in the Atman. There he finds his joy and rest. And all that he asks for is to remain fixed in That. Should he for a moment lose that consciousness of the Spirit, then he tries with all his might to regain it. But the world cannot give him that. So he does not go t