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Showing posts from February 9, 2014

Ram Gayatri Mantra in Hindi – Spiritual Importance And Benefits Of Chanting Sri Ram Gayatri Mantra

Ram Gayatri Mantra is a popular prayer dedicated to Bhagvan Sri Ram. This prayer is chanted for getting the blessings of the Sri Ram incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu. By chanting the Ram Gayatri mantra a devotee will get the courage to face life. The mantra is also chanted for attaining and peace and progress. The Ram Gayatri Mantra is ॐ दशरथये विद्महि जानकी वल्ल्भाया धी माहि  तन्नो रामः प्रचोदयत  Spiritual Importance And Benefits Of Chanting Sri Ram Gayatri Mantra The Sri Ram Gayatri Mantra is a powerful invocation dedicated to Lord Rama, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. Chanting this mantra is believed to hold significant spiritual importance and offers numerous benefits: Devotion to Lord Rama: Chanting the Sri Ram Gayatri Mantra is a form of devotional practice that fosters a deep connection with Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu. Devotees believe that through consistent chanting, they can strengthen their bond with the divine. Spiritual Protec