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Rasa Kalyanini Vrata – Dedicated To Goddess Lalita

Rasa Kalyanini Vrata, dedicated to  Goddess Lalita, is a sacred observance aimed at fulfilling desires. This vrata is traditionally observed on Vaishakh Shukla Paksha Tritiya, Bhadrapada Shukla Paksha Tritiya, or Margashirsha Shukla Paksha Tritiya, which are auspicious days in the Hindu lunar calendar.

During the vrata, devotees fast from sunrise to the following day's sunrise, adhering to all customary puja rituals. The worship of Goddess Lalita includes offerings of tila (sesame seeds), rice, white flowers, and various fruits. Additionally, sweets made from milk or honey are prepared and offered as prasad, symbolizing divine blessings.

As an act of charity, devotees donate clothes to the less fortunate on this auspicious day, spreading the spirit of compassion and generosity.

It's important to note that this vrata can also be observed on any Shukla Paksha Tritiya, occurring in each Hindu lunar month.

During the vrata, participants abstain from consuming salt and sugar, adhering to the prescribed dietary restrictions as part of their spiritual discipline and devotion to Goddess Lalita. Through these observances, devotees seek the blessings of the goddess for the fulfillment of their heartfelt desires and aspirations.